1% Thursday – One great distraction
I admit it – I’m posting 1% Thursday on Friday – but I’m still dating it Thursday so it will be easy to find. 🙂
This week – use your MP3 player [Edit: your smartphone! Remember, this post was originally written in 2010…].
Researchers tell us that distractions will lessen our perception of pain. Sounds good, but I’ve had those days where seriously I can do nothing except lie in bed – in pain. This morning, for instance.
However, there are different types of migraine attacks, and different stages. Sometimes I can use the computer toward the end of an attack (right now, for example). Or watch TV. Or half watch – with one eye – or just listen!
Many of you know exactly what I’m talking about.
I’ve also appreciated my Kindle – we’ve talked about that before.
But perhaps my best friend has been my MP3 player. When there’s nothing else I can do – sometimes I can still listen. I might fall asleep while I listen (thank God), or it may just be a distraction.
I have a wide variety of items on my iriver clix (my MP3 player). Stories, more educational stuff, music, comedy, podcasts – who knows what you’ll be in the mood for. But it’s all there, and when I can do nothing else, and can still do something – that’s it.
Sometimes I even learn something! Imagine!
So having an MP3 player loaded up, and comfortable earphones handy, may make that 1% (or more) difference in your pain, and get you through an attack.
I hate lying in bed doing nothing (except being in pain!) – can’t stand it. So if I can squeeze another five minutes of at least doing something before the attack gets too bad – great!
What is 1% Thursday?
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Every Thursday at Headache and Migraine News (weather permitting) we’ll talk about one measurable, practical thing we can do to make our lives just 1% better. Usually it will be something very easy, sometimes it will be a challenge. Let us know if you try it, or share an idea of your own – and maybe a year from now we’ll see that things have really changed for the better!
19 April 2010 @ 7:54 am
This is great advice. I spent some time attending a pain clinic last year and this was one of the things they told me; distraction is key. I started listening to music last year. I’ve also found that taking deep breaths, five seconds in and five seconds out, and thinking about the a blessing in my life during each breath, is another great distraction.
I’m glad I found your page! Looking forward to reading it each week.