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  1. Toni Morrison
    26 March 2011 @ 2:05 am

    Interesting. I have been allergic to peanuts and nuts for most of my life so my diet is rather bland. I discovered a replacement for peanut butter made of soy (GMO free soy) which I have been consuming almost every day (I get like that when I know I can eat something safely without reacting, plus it’s really tasty). I have noticed an increase in my migraines but have been blaming it on hormones as I am peri-menopausal. I’m now wondering whether the soy is the cause. I will certainly eliminate this from my diet (I knew it was too good to be true) to see. Thanks for the heads up.


  2. Christine
    28 March 2011 @ 7:34 pm

    Toni its the soy! Yes! When I was diagnosed 20 years ago with migraines it was when I was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches everyday, and I though for the longest time it was peanuts and peanut butter, and the peanut butter was a trigger. But it was just recently that my neuro doc pointed out that it is the SOY that is found in peanut butter that is the culprit! I have found I can eat the natural peanut butter which contains NO soy and I do not get a migraine! (I never knew!) I so happy, as I looooove peanut butter 🙂 I have also noticed that some days soy is ok, as long as I do not have another trigger food within the same 24 hour span. Like if I had soy sauce at lunchtime and then a hot dog at dinner, forgettaboutit! Migraine city.


    • Toni Morrison
      31 March 2011 @ 5:08 am

      Christine, thanks for the reply. I have eliminated the soy butter completely from my diet. I do feel better – I haven’t had a migraine yet so maybe that was the culprit (I have been eating this for almost a year now). I am scheduled to see a neurologist in May so hopefully she can assist me not only in medication but diet. Thanks again.


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