15 Diseases, disorders and syndromes that go along with Migraine
What is comorbid with migraine, and what does that mean? Comorbidity basically refers to two conditions that tend to go together. That doesn’t mean that one caused the other. In fact, we usually don’t know why they go together.
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It could be there’s a common cause, or maybe one could cause the other. It could be something in the environment, or something genetic, or even a coincidence.
But, of course, when we see the same diseases going together over and over, the coincidence hypothesis eventually goes out the window.
What we do know is that the two (or more) things interact. Sometimes there can be a common treatment. Sometimes it means that you can’t take a certain medication, because it may increase your risk of something else.
So it’s important to think about what you may have on top of migraine disease, and it’s important to talk to your doctor about it.
Now there’s a great deal of debate when it comes to migraine comorbidity. Most of these have pretty good research behind them, but sometimes research conflicts and there’s debate about whether a certain thing should be in the list.
But for what it’s worth, here are 15 common diseases, disorders and syndromes that tend to go hand in hand with migraine. That does not mean you will definitely have any of these . . . just that they seem to be more common in migraine patients than the general population. Ones that seem to be more common come first:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stroke
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Hypertension
- Epilepsy
- Fibromyalgia
- Thyroid Disease
- Mania/Bipolar Disorder
- Panic Attacks
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Essential Tremor
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Now wait – did I miss one that you’re familiar with? Or have you found one or more of the 15 to be true of you? Leave a comment, and let us know how knowing this has helped or hindered in your treatment.
And if you’re thinking about the connection for the first time – talk to your doctor!
10 February 2010 @ 10:32 am
Doesnt this fit in with the doctor who calls it Migraine syndrome.
he talks about all these conditions.
I had IBS first, then Fibro, then Migraine (which is the worst of all).
I have anxiety, had thyroid problems, get depressed (reactive)
Thing is, what do we do?? Shouldnt there be a clue here??
10 February 2010 @ 11:13 am
I have numbers 2,8,11, and 14. I hope other people weigh in and we see what everyone is dealing with.
Interesting that Pen says migraine is the worst of all. I would have to agree but I’d like to know what others think.
10 February 2010 @ 12:12 pm
It is for me Suzie, because I managed to have a life with the IBS and the Fibro. The migraines are chronic (3 a week for at least a whole day) No drugs really work.
I guess before I got the migraines the IBS was worst.
I got myself over the FMS to an extent whenit was still CFS.
If I coudl get rid of the migraines and myofascial head pain, I could maybe have a life and enjoy my grandkids.
11 February 2010 @ 12:53 pm
Chiari Malformation wasn’t mentioned, but so many go years being treated for ‘migraines’ that end up finding out after years of ineffective treatments that they really do have Chiari Malformations.
11 February 2010 @ 2:52 pm
Yes, Chiari Malformation can trigger migraine. It’s not included because it’s more of a trigger or underlying cause, not technically a comorbid condition. There are actually quite a few things that, like Chiari Malformation, could be causing your symptoms.
Thanks for pointing that out!
11 February 2010 @ 3:25 pm
I am sorry, I have never heard of this, could someone explain please.
11 February 2010 @ 3:40 pm
I’m not sure if you’re referring to my post, but just in case: A Chiari Malformation is where part of the cerbellar tonsils protrude down, outside of the skull. This can put pressure on the brainstem and spinal cord. You can go to conquerchiari.org or asap.org to read more information about it. Often times, it will be noted on an MRI radiology dictation as “tonsilar ectopia” or “tonsilar ectopia, but within normal limits”. There is much disagreement about what those limits really are, and most neurosurgeons base their decision about its signifcance more on symptoms than films.
11 February 2010 @ 3:50 pm
Apologies, Yes I was. I have had to try to get through today without a Triptan today. I think perhaps I am a bit Tripped myself.
Should have been more specific, sorry.
I will go take a look, and also check
this out over here in the UK.
~Thank you for explaining
11 February 2010 @ 4:08 pm
I’ve read that mitral valve prolapse and migraines can go together. I’m not sure if this often minor heart defect actually causes migraines or not.
11 February 2010 @ 9:03 pm
I suspect I have 1, 2, 14, 15 to go along with migraine, but I don’t think I had any of these other than 14 before the headaches started. The human body is so weird…
11 February 2010 @ 9:06 pm
My mother suffered from migraines. I’ve never had one, but one of my sons does. He also takes meds for hypertension, so he’s got at least one of the 15.
12 February 2010 @ 10:13 am
I started with IBS, I all but fixed it and then started with the FMS but took years to get diagnosis and had CFS crash before that happened. THEN the migraines, with peri menopause.None in my life before that.
Between I have had 3 bouts of depression, one post natal., And now a lot of anxiety, not surprising when I ma told to take medication immediately for the pain, but don’t take too much or I will get MOH…..
12 February 2010 @ 10:21 am
Yes to 1, 2, 5 and 9, but I would also like to include other general nerve pain. I also suffer from spinal stenosis. It seems that in general my nervous system is very sensitive to stimulation and frequently reacts with the sensation of pain.
14 February 2010 @ 5:34 pm
I have 1, 2, 7, and 14. I also have heard that clotting is another migraine related disorder. I have factor V leiden and my pulmonary embolisms happened after a really bad month of head pain. Maybe not a coincidence.
Many of the diseases in the migraine spectrum are related to serotonin. This is at least one of the links. Medications for IBS, myofascial pain, fibro, anxiety, depression all use serotonin changes just as migraines do.
15 February 2010 @ 6:11 am
Wow, I have nine of the fifteen on your list … perhaps I win the Migraine Bingo? *wry grin*
Another one which is definitely not be “comorbid” in the technical sense but sort of amusingly fits the list would be “close relatives with migraines”. I have at least 5 of those too!
I suspect Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is another condition which often pre-disposes one to migraines, just from anecdotal evidence in my EDS support group, but EDS is pretty rare itself so it wouldn’t be in the top 15.
15 February 2010 @ 8:08 am
I have exhibited or experienced Reynaud’s Syndrome during the last 2 or 3 years. I don’t know if it is just part of the aura that my left foot goes numb and cold and my left hand becomes lazy. A also tend to go white on the face whenever there is a stressful moment, that is why I avoid going confrontational because it drains my head of blood then when things go back to normal, I get a headache.
17 February 2010 @ 10:34 am
I thought for 25 years I had IBS but just found out I have Celiac’s disease. I have had migraines for 28 years. Has anyone else been told they have IBS been tested for Celiac’s disease? I suffer at least 6 migraines a month and sometimes more.
21 October 2010 @ 2:51 pm
My migraines, dizziness/vertigo, and probably celiac all became worse starting around age 14. It wasn’t until age 32 that I realized I was celiac. Until that point, I was suffering 20+ migraines per month.
Took myself off gluten and now migraines are down to 5-10 per month and most due to weather changes. Wish I’d found out about celiac sooner!
28 April 2011 @ 3:17 pm
Annie, sounds like me. Dizziness/vertigo stared about age 13, migraines within the year. I got to a point where I averaged 20 or more per month. Wasn’t until aunt was diagnosed celiac and I took myself off gluten at age 33 that my migraines became manageable (if they ever are). Now mainly due to weather and some ingestion of gluten. If I have gluten, will get a migraine within 30 mins but not always the intestinal probs.
17 February 2010 @ 4:16 pm
While not as significant of a co-moribity as the list of 15 one of the common ones I look for is neck pain/stiffness/tension. After ruling out other causes through vascular and neurologic exam, I treat many migraine patients with soft tissue manipulation and chiropractic adjustment. Typically within a few weeks we know if treatment will help and we do get a significant number of positive responses. Currently we have an 8 year old boy with 6 years of migraines. He is currently headache free for 160+ days, the longest he has ever gone since his first episode. I do not mean to imply that chiropractic adjustment is a treatment for every migraine, but for those who have been through appropriate testing and ruled out other causes, it is a safe, effective treatment for headaches that can offer significant improvement.
28 February 2010 @ 10:38 am
I have 7 of the 15, –8 if you count high cholesterol as cardiovascular disease. I have suffered from migraine since I was 20 yrs old and am now 55. None of my three siblings have migraine and neither did my parents. Only an aunt had them. However, on a recent MRI for increased migraines there were scattered white spots throughout all the images on the brain. Neurologist thought these were either due to chronic migraines, or could be atherosclerosis. Interestingly, my sister who does not have migraines had a recent MRI and was found to have the same white spots–unexplained. Does anyone else out there who has migraines have those white spots on their MRI? If so, what was the explanation?
9 March 2010 @ 4:50 pm
I have 1,2,8,10 and 12. RLS has not been diagnosed, but I’m sure I have it. My nother has migraines as well and has the same issues as well as IBS. I wonder if any of you have this problem… I have chronic itching. It started mostly on my legs, and has since become a problem all over. I’ve been to allergists, dermatologists. No one can really give me a straight answer. I’ve heard that this can me linked to Fibromyalgia. Something about an over reaction of the nerves that manifests as itching rather than pain. I’ve had this problem for 15 years or so and it has worsened as my migraines have become more frequent and my thyroid has worsened as well. Anyone else have this issue?
23 March 2010 @ 8:47 pm
I have what’s referred to as “red ear” syndrome, which is thought to be tied to migraines. My ears flush bright red and are hot, often uncomfortably so, to the point I start sweating from the heat generated.
It affects both ears, though not always at the same time or intensity. I might go days without an attack, or have one that lasts all day, every day for a week. It’s not a “hot flash” but an attack lasting at least an hour (usually several hours), but only creating heat in the ears.
I also have TMJ syndrome, but I think that’s considered more a triggering condition, especially since I had that for years before I had severe migraines.
28 April 2011 @ 3:20 pm
I have the same red ear problem although not to the extent of sweating. It is often the first sign of the migraine. We’ve also recently noticed it in my 7 year old son who I believe is developing migraines.
29 March 2010 @ 1:22 pm
Diagnosed with Migraine syndrome–later in life! Daily head pressure that limits enjoying normal activities. Began with inner ear problem–cochlear hydrops–and fluctuating hearing loss of one ear. Have seen Neuro/ent and Neurologist. Has gotten worse in last 6 months. Periods where pressure is so bad I have to lay back in recliner or go to bed and let it ease. Feels like head is about to burst–no pain, just heavy eyelids, upper band like inside my head pressure. Makes me feel like I’m about to get dizzy—feel nauseated. Tried Nortriptolyine but it caused heart rhythm problems. Am now increasing exercise with walking more. Also, have to take low dose Xanax to deal with it and keep on doing daily activities. Ambien to sleep almost nightly. Sooo frustrating!
Is there anyone here who has this ongoing and daily—no let up? thanks
12 May 2010 @ 4:50 pm
I also had an MRI that showed white spots on my brain. My neurologist informed me she thought they were from ‘silent strokes’ that I had suffered. Has anyone else heard of this? I have suffered with migraine headaches for over 40 years since I was a little girl. Also was told that MS could leave spots on brain?
25 June 2011 @ 1:20 pm
I have had migraines for years and finally had a angiogram and I have had alot of silent strokes. I have a rare disease called moyamoya and the blood vessels are paper thin and can’t carry blood and oxygen very well so I had surgery for this and have only had 2 migraines in the last 6 months! I feel like a new person!
21 June 2010 @ 4:03 pm
Hi, another problem with migraine as the main symptom is Hughes Syndrome. It is sometimes called sticky blood and if you are treated with blood thinners the migraine is relieved. Testing can be done at the GP for anticardiolipin antibodies. It also shows white spots on the MRI of the brain and some people get migraine while others don’t. Anyone interested in finding out more there is a Hughes Foundation website and treatment at a clinic in London, I think St Thomas More hospital but not sure. Hope this helps someone.
22 June 2010 @ 9:29 am
This is Very interesting to me. I’ve been getting migraines for years and because brain MRI’s have shown those white “plaques”, I’ve been diagnosed with MS. I’ve had lots of tingling in feet over the years and lately even some numbness, also creating the appearance of MS. But I don’t have the markers for MS in my spinal fluid. I have been taking anti-inflammatory supplements and exercising because I really don’t believe in the MS diagnosis. I’ll check out the Hughes Foundation website. Thanks.
23 June 2010 @ 1:28 am
Apparently a lot of people have been diagnosed with MS who actually have Hughes syndrome. The disorder is very new and really a lot of doctors do not know much about it so they seem to stick to what they know! Just go to the Hughes Foundation website and the details are all there.
11 October 2010 @ 3:43 pm
Thanks for reminding me about “red ear” syndrome. Will mention it to my neurologist when I see her next week. Hasn’t happened to me in a long time but it’s almost always one ear, rarely both.
James, isn’t asthma comorbid with migraine?
11 October 2010 @ 4:27 pm
The number one unbelievable treatment that has helped relieve my daily chronic headaches has been the treatment of my sleep apnea. For the last 10 years, I have suffered with chronic daily headache. I tried everything including stopping all medications to prevent rebound effect. Finally, 4 months ago, I went to a sleep center. I was found to have severe sleep apnea. I still have headaches. My old triggers still do their thing. But I do not have chronic daily headaches caused by nightly oxygen deprivation to my brain. This lack of oxygen was compounded by years of sleep deprivation. I am a new person. I have more energy and feel better than I have in years. It is incredible not to be in pain every single day.
26 March 2011 @ 3:52 am
I believe that Asthma is also comorbid with Migraine
28 March 2011 @ 12:56 am
This was a great article. I have had severe migraines (diagnosed years ago) since I was a small child. I now take Imitrex for them. I have found that I have at least 6 of the things on the comorbidity list. Before I knew there was such a list, I found on my own that several of my female friends who had migraines also had anxiety disorder and another disorder as did I. This rang a bell to me. The question should be to doctors/researchers, if there is a relation here between some of the disorders and diseases, could there be a cure for migraines. My father had migraines, I have them, and my son has them since he was 5 years old.
28 March 2011 @ 4:54 am
I suffered Daily Chronic Headaches and migrianes, so medications doesn’t help. I also have Von Recklinghausen’s Disease, just want to know does it trigger them?
21 April 2011 @ 9:02 pm
I have factor v leiden, a genetic blood clotting disorder. I have seen many speculate that there is a link. I did some research in some journals and have seen that others think there may be as well.
Personally I have allergies, depression/anxiety, mild fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial pain suyndrome, TMJ, and mild IBS.
My dad has migraines, anxiety/depression, and raynauds.
Another interesting one, when I started treating my reflux, my migraines got a LOT better. Something no “preventatives” had done. I am guessing in me that is related as well.
21 April 2011 @ 9:48 pm
I endured 34 years worth of #6 until brain surgery stopped them cold. I was recently re-diagnosed with TMJ Disorder. Anyone else have that comorbidity?
21 April 2011 @ 11:17 pm
I am so glad I found this site. I have learned so much. I have had migraines for years and they have steadily gotten worse. My biggest problem is I wake up at all hours of the early morning with a headache. Anytime between 2 and 6 AM. I really am interested in the sleep apnea angle. Anyone else have this type problem? What is really interesting about this is my dermatologist said that the bumps on the back of my neck that never go away, he thought were caused by sleep apnea. So not sure but intrigued.
22 April 2011 @ 12:53 am
Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) could be added to the list.
But to balance all this with some good news – I believe there is a reduced risk of breast cancer for women who have migraine.
22 April 2011 @ 7:49 am
I have been diagnosed with migraine and Meniere’s disease. Neuro from HUP in Philadelphia diagnosed me as having both. He said they seem to crop up together and a migraine can trigger a Meniere’s attack and vice versa.
22 April 2011 @ 10:26 am
Great article,if is not bad enough just to have ,”migraines”l suffered severe migraine with aura,since l was 11,now one of my children has it too,since he was 6,he,s now 9.We recently went to a Doctor who is a sufferer himself,and wants me to have a test for,F.H.M,as l have more than one aura symptom and paralisis.l also have lBS, and Mitral value syndrome,but l was recently diagnoised with ,”Ankylosing Spondylitis”,and as its an Autoimmune disease although l,m taking medication for it l,ve just had aload of tests done again! from an Autoimmune Doctor.Before l was diagnoised with this they told me l had ,”Fibromyalgia”,but l got a nuclear skeletal bone scan and it showed inflamation in all my spine and joints of my body,because of this it has damaged most joints.Still not feeling good yet but hoping soon.lf your not feeling well and you do suffer from migraines ,even when you don,t have an attack go and get it investigated.Thanks Antonina
22 April 2011 @ 3:11 pm
I have 2, 10, & 14. I’ve always had migraines it seems-chronic for the last 3 years. I am getting actual relief now because of oxygen therapy. I’m down to 3 days a week of headaches! I talked my Doc. into it, and my insurance covers the machine at home. He originally said to wear the oxygen mask for 4 hours a day at .4. I’ve found that when I get a severe migraine I get relief if I use it at .8 for about 30 minutes. I can’t believe that I am actually able to then work and function without meds! They say that it means I have clusters, but I don’t. It has changed my life. Nothing has worked for me, so I thought I’d share it with you to give you a non medication idea. Good luck to all of you – I know your pain.
23 April 2011 @ 5:13 am
My son (12 years old) gets migraines, and this year he also gets itchy legs, knee pain and constipation. Could this all be related? Maybe Celiac? I have also noticed his ears getting bright red when he is sick, but he has not mentioned the heat feeling.
28 April 2011 @ 3:26 pm
Before I knew about the celiac, I would get extreme pains in my knees after ingesting gluten to the extent I’d often go to bed crying it hurt so bad. My skin would also itch incredibly. Now I do have very dry skin as is but since going GF, the itching has totally abated. And constipation is a definate symptom of celiac (not the one most know about). I’d definately look into it.
29 April 2011 @ 11:29 am
THANK YOU! Will do –
23 April 2011 @ 8:07 am
My wife’s combination of migraines and trigeminal neuralgia was misdiagnosed for years as being migraines alone. (The TN is far more painful to her.)
Anyone else have these two?
15 November 2013 @ 3:57 pm
Yes. I have had bilateral Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia (ATN) and bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) since age 17. Within the last 2.5 – 3 years I have also been diagnosed with bilateral Occipital Neuralgia (ON) and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia (GPN)…as well as Migraines (which I think also includes Tension headaches since I get the “band” feeling around my head at times).
I also have had a spine surgery, fatigue, cognitive issues, Essential Tremors, etc…which I often see going hand in hand.
23 April 2011 @ 11:06 am
i have had benign essential tremor since the age of about 15- never managed to find out much about it and interested to see it on the list. The migraine started at 15 too with the IBS a few years later. Fibro not diagnosed until I was about 55 but suspect I have had it for years along with the cfs. I agree that the migraine is the worst one to cope with although triptans have enabled me to lead a more ‘normal ‘ life than before. thought I might ‘grow out of them’ but at the age of 64 they are still going strong.
26 April 2011 @ 6:50 am
I just turned 50 and have had migraine and essential tremor since puberty. Also premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The tremor and migraines get better and worse depending on what my hormones are doing. I’m now going through menopause and cycles are stretched out for longer periods. I keep the pain under control with a combination of venlafaxine and topamirate. I usually have to be careful what I eat & drink so as not to trigger a migraine.
My new neurologist cut back my fioraset use saying it can cause rebound headaches when used as little as 3 times a week, and could also cause stomach problems and dizziness. I’m so glad he did!! My stomach and head are back to normal and I can now take Sumatriptan and the full dose of Topamirate again!
Because I have to pay for my meds before getting reimbursed, I also use acetaminophen w/ codeine for nighttime relief because it’s so much less expensive.
I always thought the comorbidity of the migraine and tremor was a coincidence, as I seemed to inherit them from different people.
I welcome any replies.
27 June 2011 @ 10:17 pm
Great! I have five of the conditions described in this list.
29 June 2011 @ 11:47 am
I have suffered from migraines for 26 years and they last for months on end. When I was pregnant, I had a migraine everyday of my pregnancy. I suffer from 1,2,5,10,14,15 and the depression worsens due to constant pain. In 3 years I missed over 150 days of work, due to the depression, anxiety and the migraine pain. I am currently disabled and unable to work, I live in a blacked out bedroom and have more ice bags and gel packs then I should.No pain medicine, preventive medicine or any combination of medicines help me. My father suffered from migraines and my mom’s mom suffers with migraines, so I had 100% chance of inheriating them. Then there are the ones that hit with severe heat, thunderstorms and severe cold temps. I avoid all the “bad foods”, and have has a hysterectomy (for other reasons) which the Doctor told me should help with my migraine pain-NOT. I can not have anything with any kind of a scent in my home or around me or it triggers a migraine, flashing lights will trigger a migraine, bright lights, loud sounds; they all trigger migraines. I feel trapped in my own home, really my bedroom, because that is the only dark place where I can go. One positive note, as of June,2011 I started my 1st set of botox injections, so I have my fingers crossed that this will help.
29 June 2011 @ 2:51 pm
Hi Danielle,
I felt so sad to read your post and wish there were something that someone on this site could do to help. I have had migraines for a long time also but not to your extent. I have started to taking plavix, which is a blood thinner and inderal and this has been a big help. I have mentioned before on this forum a condition called hughes syndrome, maybe get tested for that and I have heard coeliacs can also sometimes cause constant migraine. I believe there is also an operation they are experimenting with at the Cleveland medical center but not sure about that. Try going to another doctor,even though I am sure you are sick of doctors it only takes one to know the right thing for you and you may not have met that one yet. I hope things improve for you.
30 June 2011 @ 12:18 am
I have suffered with migraines since puberty and there is a family history of migraines. My migraines became worse and more frequent following a medical procedure called a CT myelogram following a lumbar puncture. The CT myelogram discovered I had a Tarlov cyst located in my lower spine. When the spinal fluid was removed during the lumbar puncture and then the dye was injected for the CT myelogram, it created an imbalance in the spinal fluid pressure which lead to a spinal headache. Since this procedure in 2003, my migraines have become more painful, more frequent, and more difficult to treat. Take care when invasive diagnostic procedures for the spine/brain are performed. The CT- myelogram was for severe radiating low back pain and the lumbar puncture to rule out Multiple Scoliosis. In the last 2 years, my migraines have changed. I now have vertigo, severe right eye pain, balance problems, and increased numbness and tingling on right side; 99% of my migraines are on the right side.
3 July 2011 @ 12:25 pm
Hi, I have headaches and migraine or 16 years since I was 35. I don’t know i it is hormone related or not but it has often been triggered by periods. All I know is that i’ve had headaches and migraine nearly every day. I am on pizotifen daily and they have helped a lot I also take triptans and they help, it’s just that I can’t take too many or I’l get a rebound, I work for myself as a mobile hairdresser and so I’m lucky but I’ve lost a lot of customers because of migraine and if I’d have worked for an employer I would have been unemployable. Having 2 teenagers probably had something to do with it aswell hehe. Anyway had a cat scan and they found I have an arachnoid cyst in the posterior fossa of my brain, they they say it’s not connected but i’ve done lots of research and I don’t agree. Also I have nerve pain in my legs due to knumbness and tingling from migraines.I also have most on the list. When I’ve had a bad migraine Ifeel chronically fatigued for about 3 weeks until the next one, have to say it has ruined the last 16 years of my life. Sorry to be negative but this is my life ..AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
3 July 2011 @ 12:33 pm
1,2.10,12 and 15 sorry I don’t have nearly all of them I just did’nt look properly. Sorry martine.
6 July 2011 @ 8:59 pm
1, 2, 12, 15. Not only do I get the tingling in the legs but also my arms. I also go through bouts of insomnia as well as episodes of acting out my dreams. Many times my husband has told me how I have hit him while sleeping. I have had migraines for as long as I can remember. I have dramatically changed my diet. I read every label to avoid as much artificial ingredients and MSG as possible. At least I have managed to minimize the food related triggers. As for my preferred treatment, I do not like to medicate on a regular basis. So I opt for treating when I know the pain is starting. I will take naproxen sodium, (Aleve). If that does not work or minimize the pain, I will grab an ice pack or two and head to a quiet, dark room.
7 July 2011 @ 8:00 am
@Martine, arachnoid cysts in the posterior fossa can cause Chiari Malformations. It made me think of it because of the numbness and tingling you mention. It is diagnosed via an MRI, but get a copy of it yourself and look at it, as many Radiologists still miss them, though they are very easy to see. You can go to http://www.asap.org to learn more and see MRI’s to know what you’re looking for.
8 July 2011 @ 8:42 am
Something Martine said made me wonder if there is a connection between migraine and another condition I have. I sortof thought it was due to the curvature of my spine – hyperlordosis wikipedia calls it. My legs cramp easily in a sitting position, I sometimes get nerve pain in my legs and feet, I have poor circulation in my feet. Anybody have any information?
30 September 2011 @ 7:18 pm
There are many, many symptoms that are caused by infections from Lyme Disease and other tick-borne infections such as Ehrlichia, Bartonella, Babesia, etc such as headache with sensitivity to light and sound, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, OCD-like symptoms, nightmares, abdominal pains and joint problems (that can cause lordodis changes) or TMD issues. If you have too many symptoms, maybe it’s not primary migraine. Get tested for Lyme, etc with a trained ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Disease Society doctor with tests orderd from IGeneX Lab in CA. In the meantime, if anyone suspects Lyme, do not use any steroids (it’ll make you sicker) except maybe to save your eyesight or your life until you are SURE it couldn’t possibly be Lyme. I have not yet met a neurologist who knows anything about how to diagnose Lyme, etc and we have been to many, some so-called leaders and experts in headache.
17 May 2012 @ 9:50 pm
Definitely finding out I was Gluten Intolerant & have IBS has helped with my disease. I have Basilar Artery Migraine & Migraine Assoc Vertigo. I still need to be on permanent meds – but I’m so much better now – it did take a long time though (about 2 yrs). I NEVER break my diet – its not worth it!
24 June 2013 @ 7:23 am
I’d love to know how many migraine patients have MS, because I do know a few that do. Also – I’m betting many of us also have allergies. I know that there quite a few women I know with migraine that have endometriosis and or PCOS.
15 November 2013 @ 3:53 pm
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia, Occipital Neuralgia, etc.
15 November 2013 @ 3:59 pm
I was struck with how many of these other ailments I have when I went through the list. Since my early teen years, I have struggled with depression, but strangely after the onset of chronic migraine my depression soon disappeared. I have been diagnosed with five other conditions on the list and am now wondering whether my very treatment resistant IBS is tied into my migraine as I frequently get horribly nauseated with no other symptom.
18 November 2013 @ 7:55 pm
Hey Debbie, for nausea , ask doctor for phenergan IM shots every 8 hrs or to put in IV with a port catheter. It works!!!! IBS an chronic migraines go hand in hand. Been there for 29 years.
15 November 2013 @ 4:13 pm
I have six!
15 November 2013 @ 4:19 pm
I have 3 of these… 😉
15 November 2013 @ 5:01 pm
Sleep apnea I have found to be common. As well as ulcers or reflux just from talking to others who suffer from migraines like myself.
15 November 2013 @ 8:31 pm
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Migraines are also often found with this autonomic nervous system disorder.
15 November 2013 @ 11:21 pm
i have the following from the list:
Panic Attacks
Raynaud’s syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
16 November 2013 @ 8:55 am
I have cervical dystonia which my neurologist believes contributes to my migraines. Treating the cervical dystonia with botox injections every 3 months has drastically improved my migraines.
16 November 2013 @ 9:05 am
My son now 39 living with chronic constant migraine, he was diagnoised with ulcerative colitis at the age of 10, his colon removed at 12 years old he had migrains that started at the same time but were only 3 or 4 times a month lasting a day or two, since his last surgery 1999 to remove the the rectum and go to a perminant ileostomy, he woke up from that surgery with a migraine and to this day…14 years now it is CONSTANT, never goes away.We told doctors for 29 years that there is a connection but it was not in thier BOOKS and they have never live with it therefore they don’t believe….this is the truth…believe it…I know becaue myson lives it 24/7.
16 November 2013 @ 4:01 pm
I have chronic migraines for more than two weeks out of each month. I suspect med overuse is involved, but I just can’t tolerate the pain long enough to abstain from the meds. Botox didn’t really help and it was SO expensive as I have a $4,000 deductible and it was $1100 out of pocket every 3 months. After a year of that and no significant relief, I gave it up. I PRAY FOR YOUR SON!!! I CANNOT IMAGINE SUFFERING LIKE THAT WITH NO RELIEF EVER. I AM SINCERE, MARCIA, THAT I WILL PRAY YOUR SON FINDS A CURE.
16 November 2013 @ 4:09 pm
Just out of curiosity, how many of you are benzodiazepine dependent because of anxiety? I am trying to taper off 2 decades of use (didn’t know the dangers or addictiveness of the drugs as the docs just prescribed to be taken daily and didn’t warn me) and wonder how many other migraineurs have this problem??
16 November 2013 @ 4:21 pm
One more thing I’d like to add that may help someone out there. My internist (NOT a holistic doctor) used to suffer from debilitating migraines and also had a definitive diagnosis of Lupus. She said switching to a Gluten-Free diet not only stopped her migraines (she hasn’t had one in over 3 years), but cured her Lupus, actually changing her ANA from positive to negative!! Worth a try!
18 November 2013 @ 7:59 pm
Gail thanks for your input, we have tried all of your suggestions but keep in touch,some day a neidea will be discovered. Bless you and you in my prayers, Marcia and Michael
18 November 2013 @ 8:07 pm
I have fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue and IBS along with migraines that got infinitely worse when menopause started. Last year I went on a temporary gluten-free diet for a couple of months to try out a weight loss method before recommending it to my ailing husband. My usual increase of migraine frequency in the fall didn’t happen until the holidays. One day of bread at Thanksgiving triggered a migraine response. Over the next few weeks, I did several tests of staying gluten-free with an occasional, test “lapse”–the migraine response was 100%. After checking with my gastroenterology nurse practitioner, she said she had “never seen anyone who got off gluten for good reasons who went back to it comfortably.” She also said she couldn’t test me for intolerance without me being back on gluten for six weeks. I tried to eat it again to get back there for the test, but the migraine responses were intolerable. So, I just stay off it. (By migraine response, I don’t just mean headache, but IBS, achy-ness, that “looming feeling of doom” that precedes a headache.) I feel very much better all the time, and can even very occasionally, eat chocolate, caffeine, or gluten, such as a cinnamon roll, without a problem.
22 November 2013 @ 11:54 pm
Interestingly enough, depression is caused chemically by low serotonin levels and triptan meds are serotonin agonists I.e, cause more serotonin to be available for brain cells. So for those migraine skeptics, the fact that both involve the lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin further makes one more convinced of a true chemical
imbalance. People are not just making these things up! Just a thought
9 January 2014 @ 1:23 pm
Good topic 🙂
It’s important to understand that Migraine and most of the conditions listed here are primary conditions. Primary means they can’t be “caused” by another condition. As you said, they often do go hand in hand. They can also be triggers for each other, as can the medicines we have to take for them. Migraine is a genetic, neurological disease that is a multi-faceted condition, with many things contributing to our susceptibility for attacks. This is why there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for Migraine and it’s so difficult to understand its interaction with other disorders.
Raynaud’s is sometimes primary as well, but is actually usually a symptom of autoimmune disease, which isn’t mentioned here as a whole. (Thyroid and Raynaud’s are mentioned however) Migraine is such a frequent comorbidity with autoimmune conditions like Lupus and autoimmune thyroid disease, that it is actually often mistakenly thought of as a symptom of the autoimmune disease itself.
21 May 2014 @ 4:43 pm
I believe Asthma is also comorbid with Migraine.
21 May 2014 @ 8:40 pm
It’s nice to read comments from you guys, hope the doctors catch up with us some day. THANKS FOR SHARING.
19 July 2014 @ 8:21 am
I have meniers disease & believe it causes migrains.
21 April 2015 @ 10:30 am
I wonder whether migraine and synesthesia (input to one sensory domain elicits additional perception in another domain — see Wikipedia page for better explanation) are connected. I have both (for me, letters, numbers, days of the week and months have color), and know several others who do as well. Both migraineurs (Nguyen et al, 2015) and synesthetes (Dovern et al, 2012) appear to have increased connectivity between auditory and visual areas of the brain. Anyone else?
21 June 2015 @ 1:41 am
Yes, I suffer with migraines, depression, and IBS. I’ve also noticed while keeping a headache diary that my IBS flares up shortly after my migraine attacks, usually, and that it doesn’t seem to be triggered by any particular food. I’m also usually more anxious or emotional around migraine attacks and IBS attacks. I was taking a preventive (pizotifen) and it made my anxiety worse, I broke out in a rash around my neck, and I started experiencing sleep paralysis, as well as gaining weight from eating constantly, so now I have to go back to my doctor… again. Beta blockers for the win?
22 June 2015 @ 11:53 am
I used to observe that during periods of time when my asthma was worse, so would be the migraine frequency. I discovered that one thing they both had in common was inflammation. When I changed my diet to a more non-inflammatory way of eating AND lower glycemic index or one more consistent with what a type II diabetic needs to keep blood sugar more level without highs or lows, EVERYTHING cleared up. Whatever your condition, keeping inflammation at bay should be a priority in your life if you want to feel better. I know, more easily said than done. But you can make gradual eating changes and even gradual changes of how much movement you do in a day. It will all contribute to your better health.
24 April 2016 @ 1:19 am
I have had many things on the list. Now 68 migraines have gone with the menopause. So feel liberated. I am a worrier and sometimes have depression . Weather and tiredness a factor, but overall much better.
29 April 2016 @ 6:30 am
Interesting as the first thing that jumped out at me was Epilepsy I am 15 years seizure free and I have always felt that my migraines have replaced the seizures as before I would have the odd one but didn’t realise they where migraines until I was finally diagnosed with them but in that time no seizures but I average a migraine once a fortnight. I also have IBS and when I was still having seizures I would have panic attacks thank goodness they stopped soon after the seizures stopped. I take frovatriptan when I get a migraine and I would say this works well for me, I have tried preventatives the ones I was allowed to try didn’t work. I am still taking anti convulsants so am restricted by what I try.
29 May 2018 @ 11:04 am
Comorbids: Autism/PDD-NOS/Asperger’s syndrome… Have some anxiety… Low blood pressure, sometimes low sugar too… very unhelpful. I get Migraines without aura, which can get absolutely debilitating; been in urgent care and emergency room several times because of Vertigo, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, extreme pain, inability to move around, hot head and cold body, (to mention the worst)…
29 May 2018 @ 11:23 am
Asthma all my life, and must be gluten-free, too. I forgot to tell previously. Inherited migraines from my mom’s side it seems. Have a sibling with a milder, less frequent version. Nonetheless, it’s still migraine in the family.