8 Things I Find Helpful (related to Migraine)
I wasn’t exactly sure what to title this post, but I decided to sit down and think of 8 of the most useful things I have used either to prevent an attack or to survive an attack (migraine, that is).
I don’t usually post personal things like this – partly because I’m aware that everyone is so different. I especially hesitate to promote medications or supplements based on my experience – I’d rather have scientific data to draw from.
However, these 8 things may have wider appeal.
I’m not listing life style things or schedule changes or those kinds of tips – only specific items I’ve used a lot. I’m sure you have items that have helped you – leave a comment and let’s make the list bigger!
- Flax seed silk eye pillow: It blocks out the light, blocks out unpleasant smells, and cools my face around my eyes. I use one like this eye pillow from Celestial Dreams, though mine has a strap (which I don’t think I’ve ever used). More on eye pillows here.
- Buckwheat Pillow: Yes, I sleep with one every night. Similar to the benefits of the eye pillow, but it also helps support my neck and doesn’t feel like it’s "smothering" me. More about buckwheat pillows here.
- Oatmeal: I was always told oatmeal will "stick to your ribs". The truth is, oatmeal provides great long lasting slow-release energy. A bowl at night may help you feel better in the morning, and a bowl in the morning will help you last longer throughout the day.
- Klean Kanteen: Pure, cool water always available, to keep me hydrated or to take medication with on time. Read more about why I love mine here.
- MP3 Player: I still have the old iriver clix, which is a beauty but hard to find. However, many of you already have an MP3 player built into a cell phone or you have an iPod or many of the other players. It’s always handy and I can listen to it when I really can’t do anything else. Here are some more thoughts.
- Dehydrator: This is still a fairly new one for me, but I really have appreciated the dried fruit and fruit leather that is so easy to make, and then so easy to carry with you. Travelling, it’s fantastic to have a quick healthy snack always on hand. After a fair amount of research I settled on this one.
- Sunglasses: I wrote this post before actually getting my new pair of sunglasses. Now that I’ve had the new pair for a while, I wonder why I waited so long. They are amazing. I settled on a pair of Smith Optics polarized sunglasses. The difference is truly amazing, and has saved me a lot of discomfort.
- Migraine/Headache Diary: Having a record of what medication I’ve taken when, and what my symptoms have been, has been invaluable. For a diary to download and print, and instructions on how to use it, see this migraine diary article.
What about you? What odd or ordinary things have you found helpful?
15 October 2010 @ 10:53 pm
It may be controversial still, but I have recently been trying Medical Marijuana to help control my migraines. I sometimes have up to 15 or more migraines a month and have found that the Medical Marijuana has significantly reduced the amount and intensity of migraines that I have. It isn’t a cure by any means but it has helped me reduce the amount of Rx drugs that I have to take to control the migraines. I take almost half of the migraine meds I was taking thanks to the medical Marijuana. I take it in the Tincture form which is easier to control and administer. Just a dropper full under my tongue and it can relieve the migraine pressure. Everyone is different of course and it may not be right for everybody, but it has been amazing for me. And I don’t have to take a lot of it either. Most times I feel no effects from the MM at all, just more relaxed. I was very skeptical to begin with, but it can help and it has for me.
21 October 2010 @ 3:05 pm
I have suffered with migraines for almost 20 years now and I have tried every medication known to man (except mm). I like James also use a buckwheat pillow and polarized sunglasses (cocoons-they wrap around your everyday glasses and keep 99% of light out.) I have also found that trigger point therapy works most of the time but the only thing with that is that you have to go about 2-3 times a week to get any real use from it. It works when you have a headache for a month!
5 August 2014 @ 10:32 pm
Tibetan throat singing. I wasn’t expecting a darn thing other than an interesting night of music. A friend took me to a 2 hour healing and my 21 day migraine lifted for a week. It was amazing. The vibrations. Wow. I bought a tape and listen to it on the way to work.
2 October 2015 @ 12:59 am
i find a cool pack can help…and peppermint oil on my forehead and back of my neck…and peppermint tea…can make symptoms easier…and when its beginning to ease and lift…peppermint shampoo….have 2 three day migraines a month on average
11 May 2021 @ 12:54 am
I get several days of debilitating migraines a month, this may sound strange but it can help ease some pressure… I fill a pair of tights with ice cubes and tie them around my head, as tight to it as humanely possible, so may need help, between the ice and the pressure from the tights it does ease things a little. I then put a hair towel or something on my head to keep the ice from melting down my face. Finish the look off with a cooled sleep mask and consider yourself runway ready!