Ask and ye shall receive (migraine art revisited)
Not long after I posted my lament that I couldn’t find a decent migraine art book, I read this post about a migraine art book from Jackie at Life in the Canadian Desert. I was excited to read it, but I wished it had been posted a little sooner! 😉
Jackie is writing about a project from editor Betsy Blondin. Betsy describes herself as a "migraine overcomer" (I love it) who wants to publish a coffee table type book with migraine art of various kinds. She mentions the reasons I mentioned, but also that she wants us to "consider submitting works that illustrate positive, uplifting, or even humorous moments and events in your life – what you do and accomplish without or in spite of your migraines" (from her website).
Betsy Blondin is looking for art, photographs, poetry, and pretty much whatever else you can think of (that could be published in a book). If you have anything to contribute, visit her page describing the Migraine: EXPRESSIONS project.
Incidentally, be sure to check out the art that Jackie herself has submitted. I’m impressed, and I don’t say that lightly. Nice work!
I look forward to seeing the finished project – you can bet the book will be on my wish list.
25 January 2007 @ 4:47 pm
Thanks for the added info! We look forward to the results. 🙂
13 June 2007 @ 4:19 pm
Thank you so much for mentioning the Migraine Expressions book on your News Blog, James! Since early May, I’ve been receiving wonderful visual and written artistic submissions from all over the U.S., Canada, and the UK, while I continue to contact as many people and organizations as possible to spread the word. I can certainly use more materials!
Also, I would like to include quotes or expressions from children, family members, friends, and health care providers of migraineurs as well as expressions that illustrate who we are in spite of migraines — our positive and healthy moments.
The encouraging comments I’m receiving along with submissions serve as inspirations and validations for all of us with migraine. I am bringing together art, poetry, and prose in a beautiful book that I hope will also be useful as a tool of understanding for those who don’t have migraine.
Please, everyone, feel free to contact me if I can provide any further information. Be well,
Betsy Blondin
P.S. James, would you please e-mail me if you have a chance? Thank you!