Some more Bad Advice (for Migraine patients)
Every once in a while it’s good to be reminded that a lot of the advice we’re given is, sadly, not worth a lot. Teri Robert, in her book Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches, gives these “great” examples:
- “It’s all stress. Learn to relax.”
- “Get pregnant. Your headaches will stop.”
- “Have a hysterectomy. Your Migraines will go away.”
- “Congratulations. You’re an intellectual and have Migraines. Take some acetaminophen.”
- “Just wait for menopause. Then they’ll stop.”
- “You’re too high-strung and have a headache personality. See a psychiatrist.”
- “It’s a woman thing.”
- “If triptans don’t work, it’s not a Migraine.”
- “It’s just something you’ll have to learn to live with.”
- “Just take a nap when you get a headache.”
- “Stop taking everything so seriously.”
Ouch. In case we don’t believe it, Teri notes beside the fourth one on the list that she personally actually did have a doctor tell her that once!
Have you ever been told any of the above? Or do you have another not-so-brilliant piece of advice that you’ve been given? Share it in the comments.
Incidentally, you can read some good advice if you get Teri’s book, but she does remind us in this chapter that hitting the person who says something like this probably isn’t the best. Instead, “Politely tell the doctor that his or her services will no longer be needed, then leave.”
19 August 2016 @ 8:20 am
“You just have a burnout because you chose the wrong profession. Go look for a job you can handle”.