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  1. Leyla
    30 July 2006 @ 9:51 pm

    I have suffered w/ migraines most of my life. The past two and 1/2 years I have suffered w/ chronic status daily migraines.
    *When I cannot stop a fullblown attack my non-drug and prescribed drug methods.
    – I have tried the icepacks. I now have a stainless steel round bucket that I will fill w/ ice and then water and stick my head in as long as I can stand it. I will pull my head out and deal with the pain.
    However, this seems to shock my head
    and after a few times it helps me to start controlling the pain so I can keep whatever drugs I’m trying to keep in my stomach. I only do this when I have a full blown closet migraine that nothing is going to stop.
    – Needless to say my life has changed dramatically and I no longer work as I have become disabled.
    I have good and bad days with all the symptoms of migraines w/ aura.
    – My tolerance for pain has increased tenfold but I am always fatigued and extremely light and sound sensitive.
    – My home is extremely migraine friendly.
    – Practicing Yoga and meditation, and controlled breathing have been my lifesavers.
    Just another migraine sufferer.


  2. Bangkok-Bob
    9 August 2006 @ 2:37 pm

    A friend of mine told me she thought that I got migraine headaches just before a storm came in. I went out and bought a good barometer for $120 and a blank log book. In the last year I have had 14 major migraines, all of the headaches started approximately 30 hours before the storms actually hit. and would leave me within several hours of the storms passing. I thought I was losing my mind when I was recording this information and seeing the results, so today, when I did a Google Search for “Storm Related Head-Aches” I guess I could say I was releived to find out I’m not crazy.

    I have not found anything that could help the pain. Now, with renewed hope after finding this information, I am very eager to see if anyone knows of any-way to get relief.


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