Genetics and the stroke migraine connection
You want to know more about the genetics of migraine? So does Lyn Griffiths. Lyn and her team have been studying migraine for over 9 years from a genetic standpoint. If you want to read a really good article on her research, check out this one from July (link no longer available). It gives a great summary of some of the methods used, and where Lyn believes the research is heading.
One interesting thing that is not mentioned in the article is their research into the link between stroke and migraine. Of course you’ve heard a lot about that recently, but way back in September 2003 Lyn’s team discovered a genetic link. Interestingly, the biochemical imbalance that this genetic flaw causes may simply be treatable through diet. “By increasing folate levels in the diet, such as eating green leafy vegetables, this biochemical imbalance decreases, which consequently may reduce the risk of stroke and possibly migraine.”
Everybody’s telling us we’re not eating enough leafy greens anyway, here’s another good excuse. Folate has been in the news again for other reasons – a January issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reported on a study that showed heart benefits from folate (a B vitamin). Excellent sources include oranges, dark leafy greens, wheat germ and legumes. Of course, we’ve known about vitamin B for a long time – it’s in the successful natural supplement for migraine, Migrelief.
Read the 2003 press release from the Genomics Research Centre where Lyn Griffiths works [link no longer available].