Invisible Illness Week 2010
Invisible Illness Week is almost here again! Scheduled for the 13th-19th of September 2010, this is the 9th year – and it’s less than a month away!
This year, there will still be online seminars, though not as many as in past years. But there will still be online resources, people blogging all over the world (will you be one of them?), and some other fun activities.
I’ll let Lisa explain something that will be going on this year – sounds like fun! Also, another video below with a general introduction to Invisible Illness Week, created for last year’s events.
(Incidentally, I have to admit I didn’t really like the idea that you’re about to hear about when I first heard it. But the more I think about it, the more I like it …)
31 August 2010 @ 10:48 am
Thanks so much for sharing this and being involved. Your support makes a world of difference!