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  1. Kim
    22 October 2010 @ 7:59 pm

    I have had chronic migraine for 11 1/2 years now. This summer I was prescribed methergine. It is the first thing in the 11 1/2 years that has given me any true relief. It is by no means a magic bullet but it has managed to keep my pain level manageable and any severe pain much easier to treat. The one draw back that I have found is that since it is a ergot I’m not allowed to take any other ergot (DHE) or any triptans as an abortive. I have been very successful though in treating my pain with an NSAID since starting the methergine. My doctor told me I would have to take my month long “holiday” once a year and have scan and blood work to check for any fibrosis.


  2. Kim
    2 December 2011 @ 10:38 am

    I know this is a little old but my daughter was just prescribed this medicine. She’s had a continuous headache since January 2, 2011 and just had a hospital stay where she had DHE treatments. This medicine is supposed to help keep the headache away but we shall see…none of the pharmacies carry this medicine so we have to wait until today to pick it up. Thank you for your information on it because I had no idea what it was or what it did.


  3. Kim
    2 December 2011 @ 9:24 pm


    Hope it works well for your daughter. It has been a true blessing for me.


  4. Holley
    4 March 2014 @ 12:47 pm

    i have always had migraine headaches that were manageable with abortives, until 15 years ago, when I had a migraine that lasted for 10 months in different severities, but never went completely away. After trying virtually everything – the final drug combination that took the pain away and has left me with infrequent migraines has been a mixture of topamax, prozac, and methergine. I have not had any problems with side effects from taking methergine. I must note that my dosages are small.


  5. Jackie
    30 January 2015 @ 8:26 am

    My daughter just started Methergine yesterday after trying so many things for 6 years! She’s inly 15. Still don’t know what her trigger is. We are praying this med is what will giver her her life back, instead of bedridden at the she of 15. I will keep you guys posted.


  6. Cheryl
    11 March 2015 @ 10:08 am

    i have had migraines for years. My trigger is cigarette smoke either in the air,on clothes or on a person. Has anyone tried methergine with that trigger?


  7. Lorrie
    29 June 2015 @ 10:51 pm

    Methergine, had given me my life back, the results were AMAZING! only this is now my current insurance will only pay about half of the cost, meaning now this will cost me about $1200 a month, which I can’t afford. One of the pharmacies said to look into intravenous, shots… Anyone ever try this? Thanks!


  8. Kim
    5 July 2015 @ 7:53 am

    Lorrie, have you checked with insurance to see if they will pay more for a smaller amount? My insurance refuses to pay anything for a full months supply, however they will pay for all but my regular copay for a 2 week supply. I end up paying a double copay each month, but I don’t complain when my copay is just a small fraction of the overall cost. Check with insurance to see if this is something you could do.


  9. Jackie
    5 July 2015 @ 10:54 am

    Hi Lorrie, I’m so sorry that nsurance doesn’t cover well, all insurances are so different. So Lilly has been taken off the methergine pills and placed on Nimodipine and migranal nasal spray.
    Which works pretty good. She’s also on DHE shots that we can do at home. Insurance might cover that better than the pills? DHE it’s cheap either though because it is an Ergot so is migranal. You can’t take imitrex or any kind of sumatriptan with it. Can they possibly do a generic brand? Take care.


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