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  1. niki
    12 September 2009 @ 3:05 am

    I have had many migraines without the pain in my head for years but never felt sick. My doctor told me just yesturday (after many blood tests) that the way I have been feeling for the past year (like crap) is due to these mirgraines. Ever migraine that I had, I always lost my vision but I never felt sick and not””right” until now Trying to explain this to my doctor was like trying to climb a mountain, I was frustrated and tierd. But I guess she was right because from what i read tonight I have ocular migraines. It explaines the way I have been feeling to a tee. I am glad but there is nothing I can due to stop them.


  2. liza
    19 November 2009 @ 11:32 am

    I have what I call “Blithering Idiot” attacks where I become confused & disoriented. I sometimes get weak in my legs from the hips down. It feels like descriptions of demyelinating diseases, but my doctors insist that it’s all just different forms of aura, or maybe side effects from my suppressive meds. I know it’s not stroke because I have no trouble repeating simple stuff like “The sky is blue.” Migraines can do some crazy things.


  3. Audrey Bennett
    28 January 2010 @ 11:53 am

    I am 48 and a long-time migraine sufferer for which I started taking Zomig in March 1999. I get 3 or 4 types of migraines; the typical ones are related to my menstrual cycle. Sometimes the pain is mild while other times I feel like a red-hot poker has been jammed into my eye socket or I have been hit in the face with a sledgehammer. I am not exaggerating. Yesterday, I think I experienced an “aura” for the first time. All day I was seeing spots in front of my eyes and had an odd smell in my nose and by around 4 p.m. I was starting to get a migraine. I attended a migraine seminar where I learned that in medieval times, people would actually have holes drilled into their heads to try and relieve the pain…I can see why!


  4. Kay
    13 February 2010 @ 11:25 pm

    My silent migraines seem to fulfill the atypical definition. My symptoms include: nausea, phonophobia, photophobia, confusion, slurred speech, clumsiness, numb lips and face, and vertigo.

    I very rarely have a headache and I’ve never had a visual aura (unless the spinning room counts).


  5. Lena
    14 February 2010 @ 10:20 pm

    I get these sometimes. I will have all the neuro stuff minus the pain. It goes away with imitex.


  6. Jeff
    8 July 2010 @ 7:09 pm

    My migraines Are silent.Aura begins as a small dot in my field of vision.Then progresses to resemble a backward jagged flashing c.It continues to get larger in my field of vision,until ut disapears out of my field of sight.Usually taking about 20 min. from start to finish. Depending on which side of my field of vision the Back.ward c disappears determines how I will feel after the aura is gone .If it goes to the left I will feel better after sleeping a few hours.If it goes to the right.The lethargy,eye pain,general feeling of dumbfoundness will last up to 3 days


  7. Aurora
    24 April 2013 @ 8:24 am

    I no longer care if it’s a migraine without headache, I still feel like a vegetable and spend 3++ days in bed.


  8. andrea
    30 August 2017 @ 4:56 pm

    Curious to read that migraine aura without headache is more frequent the older we get.


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