Migraine after Sun Exposure?

No, you’re not the only one who gets a migraine attack after being out in the sun.  It’s actually pretty common.  But why?

There could be a number of reasons.  Here are common migraine after sun explanations:

Migraine after sun?
  • Migraineurs are simply more sensitive to light.  I don’t mean during an attack, although that may be true as well.  Migraineurs are often simply more sensitive all the time.  A study in the far north, for example, found that migraineurs were more likely to have attacks during the times of the year when there was more sunshine.
  • Change.  Migraineurs tend to be more sensitive to change.  If you’re suddenly going from dark to light, or if you’re spending time out in the heat, sudden changes in your body could trigger an attack.
  • Hydration!  Being out in the sun could mean you just need to drink more liquids.
  • Flickering.  Yes, the high contrast flicker between sunlight and shadows, such as flickering light through the trees as you drive by, could trigger an attack.
  • Weather patterns.  Some researchers believe that weather systems that are warm and humid (the passage of a warm front with low pressure) may trigger migraine attacks.  Often these weather systems have overcast skies, but not always.

What can I do about it?

Here are some tips to avoid the sun migraine trigger:

  • Stay hydrated – carry a bottle of water.
  • Slow down – warm up, cool off, especially if you’re exercising.  Avoid going from a dark room into bright sunlight.
  • Check with your optometrist – make sure it’s not an eye problem that’s making things worse.
  • Try a quality pair of sunglasses – suggestions here:  How Sunglasses are helping fight Migraine and Precision Tinted – Especially to Fight Migraine.
  • Avoid flickering – if you can, look away or close your eyes to avoid flickering light.

Also, consider the tips in the article and tips from our visitors (comments below) for headache after working out.