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  1. Diana Lee
    12 March 2009 @ 9:22 pm

    This research is very exciting. Just today I was reading a little something about it (in addition to your great article) and feeling like they might really be on to something. Here’s hoping they are!


  2. James
    13 March 2009 @ 9:36 pm

    Yes, I hope so too. I’m optimistic, and especially happy to see researchers pushing the limits and finding new ways to treat migraine.


  3. ADX10059 - another Migraine Drug in the Pipeline
    30 March 2009 @ 12:16 pm

    […] I mentioned in the post The Latest on Tezampanel, a new Migraine Drug, ADX10059 also has to do with glutamate.  You can read the previous post for more on the […]


  4. Free My Brain From Migraine Pain » Blog Archive » April Headache and Migraine Blog Carnival
    14 April 2009 @ 9:41 am

    […] collection of posts.  There is a lot of good reading here.  Some of my favorites – James of Headache and Migraine News Blog gives us exciting news of a new upcoming Migraine drug.  Rosalind of Working with Chronic Illness […]


  5. Ellen Schnakenberg
    22 April 2009 @ 1:46 pm

    Thanks for the mention James! Now that Telcagepant is having issues with preventive therapy trials, I am really hoping that Tezempanel doesn’t die on the side of the FDA approval road simply for lack of funding… I need that little light at the end of the tunnel to aim at. 🙂


  6. James
    23 April 2009 @ 8:55 am

    There’s always light at the end of the tunnel – whether you can see it or not! 🙂


  7. Jim from Tennessee
    26 April 2009 @ 5:35 pm

    So any idea how long b4 this pain reliver is out on the market?


  8. Bonnie
    19 July 2013 @ 11:19 pm

    Very interesting info! Has anything happened with this drug or has it landed in the ash-heap? I was doing a search on this because so many of my migraines seem to originate with pain in my neck and back.

    I am currently on meds that affect my neurotransmitters and on anti-siezure meds. I have anywhere from 4-15 migraines a month.

    I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and suffer from muscle spasticity, light and sound sensitivity, neck pain with cervical instability, and have neurological episodes including ringing in one of my ears, temporary loss of hearing in the same ear, trigeminal nerve pain, pain in my shoulder and arm, also odd sensations which resemble heart attack/stroke with nausea. I have complicated migraines with triggers such as food allergies, thunderstorms, severe pain episodes, crying, too much sunlight, etc, etc. I have a very sensitive brain that can only handle so much!

    I thought I had a stroke about a month ago, went to emergency, had a CT scan within a few hours, an ECG, an MRI the next day ( which had been previously scheduled), and nothing abnormal was found other than a few scattered hemangiomata, and only mild degenerative changes (found on the MRI); there were a few areas of mild central disc prominence in the C-spine but no evidence of cord compression. Although I am not convinced these “mild changes” are not causing me problems, considering gravity + hypermobility + other common degenerative problems can cause serious problems for people with EDS that others may not normally be affected by.

    Tezampanel sounds like it may help with all of my issues of pain/light/sound sensitivity, nausea, allodynia and nueropathy in dealing with migraine. May complement the other drugs I am already on.

    Does it target migraine pain specifically or pain and nausea in general?


  9. Esme
    17 October 2015 @ 12:33 am

    Hey Dave,My wife gets migraines. The real ones pain, naesua, super-sensitive sense of smell, very sensitive to light, etc. We take some high quality supplements which seem to help. They’re not gone, but they’re better than they used to be. Less frequent, too. So I’ll add a vote to the idea that high quality nutrition can help here.


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