The world decides the fate of the Cox-2s
I hate to bring up the topic of Cox-2 inhibitors one more time, but I did want to let you know in brief what has been happening. In various places in the world, the judgment has been much the same. For example, Europe and the USA seem to be both deciding to allow Cox-2 inhibitors for now (these include brands like Dynastat, Prexige, Bextra, Celebrex and Arcoxia), but with restrictions on their use and labeling. Many other countries, such as India and Australia have done the same thing. In the USA’s FDA proceedings, both Bextra and Celebrex "passed", although the vote was extremely close in the case of Bextra.
And for the surprise twist, Vioxx itself may be reintroduced to the market. It’s not that the risks on these drugs have suddenly vanished. The question is, do the benefits to some patients outweigh the risks. So be reminded again – educate yourself, talk to your doctor, keep track of your medical history and tell her about it, get a second opinion if you feel you need one, and don’t take drugs you don’t have to. What you "have to" take is where the difference of opinion lies – but it’s your responsibility to make an informed decision.