They are Fighting Back (don’t miss this post)
In December we had a giveaway, thanks to the TheraSpecs Company. To enter, you had to tell me about one person who had been a help to you.
I’m going to include a small selection of the answers here. I’d like to point out a couple of things.
First, notice that all kinds of different people have made a difference – in big ways and small ways – from husbands to doctors to bosses to 5 year old daughters. And I could have included many more comments like those below.
You can help too – you don’t have to be a miracle worker. Maybe you’re suffering yourself. But you can make a difference. Read below for ideas.
Secondly, notice that these responses are from all over the world. Globally – we’re in this together.
It’s an honour to serve people like you all, and to know that there are so many heroes – both those who suffer and those who suffer with them – who are fighting back.
My husband Robert helps me every time I have a migraine, so pretty much every week or so. He takes me to hospital or the drs surgery for a needle, walks me in while I am blinded by a face washer, and sits patiently while I roll around on the bed in pain. Then after the meds have taken effect he takes me home and takes over the household while I am in bed for days. He cooks, washes, looks after the kids & runs our bakery. On top of all this, he keeps everyone quiet. He is a trooper.
– Karri (Australia)
I’d have to name my husband, Steve. Never once in all my years of headache suffering has he made me feel like my pain was an annoyance or an inconvenience to my family. He’s always sympathetic, attentive, and helpful, taking over any of my responsibilities as needed. He even took it upon himself to find me a safe, reliable source of meds when my insurance company refused to continue to provide what my doctor ordered.
– Julia (United States)
I want to mention my former coworker Toni, she has always been so understanding and helpful. It is so nice to know that someone cares, and the little things do matter.
– Stine (Norway)
Mom. From taking me from doc to doc before I was able to drive, up through now, almost 15 years later, she’s been a trooper silently suffering through this with me.
– Nick (United States)
The person who has been a huge help with my migraines has been my husband. He does not judge me for having them, instead, he tries to make my life easier by doing the dishes or taking the kids on an errand. I am so thankful that God gave me a husband who is flexible and who offers me unconditional love even when I’m sure it is not easy. He just chooses to do so. May God richly reward him for his grace and mercy to me.
– Barbara (Mexico)
My mother has been the biggest help in my migraine life. She encouraged me to seek other doctors and treatments when what I was doing wasn’t working. She has driven me, so many times, to doctor’s appointments and the ER when I couldn’t drive. She has translated my “migraine mumblings” when I couldn’t get out words during an attack. She has had to remember what the doctor said, as I can’t comprehend much during a migraine attack. She has held and squeezed my hand as I received nerve block injections. She has done all of this while fighting her own battle against migraines!
– Michelle (United States)
My doctor, he has tried everything in his power to try to get me relief!
– Megan (United States)
I would like to talk about my daughter and how much she understands and helps with my condition. She suffers as well so she knows what its like. I can rely on my daughter for help at a moments notice,what ever I need, she is there!
– Sharon (Canada)
My last boss, Steven, who was understanding when I needed time, and supportive of my taking the time I needed for appointments with my neurologist.
– Connie (United States)
My wife. She has understood the pain; bore it with me; comforted me; not judged me when it gets too intense; moved me to seek alternatives……
– Tony (United States)
The most helpful person to ever help me with a migraine was a journalist whose name I forgot. Thought I forgot her name, her way of looking at her conditions and accepting them was inspirational to me. She talked about how her migraines were a part of her that she simply had to accept. It helped me understand my own experiences in a new light. I started seeing the bizarre migraine version of reality as an experience in itself, and began incorporating it into my own writing.
– Joseph (United States)
My family physician. I have had a status migraine since the 30th of March of 2012, and have not found a successful treatment to get rid of it. He has been very diligent to get me to the specialists, he had done much research on his own time to look at alternate treatments, and has been very assertive in getting me into the right specialists, and getting my disability benefits set up. I would have given up long ago if it were not for the support of my doctor.
– Sapphire (Canada)
My wife, for giving me the support and more importantly the understanding during my episodes of cluster headaches. Not many people REALLY understand what one goes through during these ‘events’.
– Pieter (South Africa)
My mother has been supportive of me throughout the time I’ve had chronic migraines. She has advocated on behalf with other family members who don’t understand. She has helped me come with ideas on how to earn a little income while on SSDI and when I needed to move across the country, she drove a truck with my brother and then a couple months later, drove me in my car and then before going home she helped me find an apartment. She’s the first person I call when I’m upset and she’s always there for me.
– Adria (United States)
My 5 year old daughter. She has always known mommy to get headaches. She will bring me ice packs from the freezer, she will rub my head and most of all she will be patient with me. She can tell if I have one just by looking at my eyes. I have no family here and am a “lone” parent so it’s nice to have someone here on my team, even if she is only 5.
– Jennifer (Canada)
24 January 2013 @ 9:08 am
It’s good when you find someone who understands!