What do you tell your Doctor?
When it comes to your symptoms, have you told your doctor about all of them? Here are the answers our visitors gave in our most recent poll:

There are actually a host of reasons why you might not tell your doctor about your symptoms. For example:
- You haven’t connected them with your specific disease/disorder
- You think your doctor will think you’re crazy
- You feel your doctor doesn’t have time, so you stick with the basics
- You’re simply embarrassed.
- You’ve had the symptom so long you think of it as "normal".
There may be other reasons too – what’s your reason?
Chronic headache disorders can be related to a host of symptoms – it really is hard to keep track of them all and remember to tell your doctor. There are many symptoms that have been related to migraine, as another example.
But one of those symptoms may be the missing connection that will bring you the treatment you need.
How do you keep track of symptoms? Have you discovered symptoms you weren’t even thinking of at first? What do you tell your doctor? Let’s discuss it!
16 May 2010 @ 7:42 pm
I suffer from migraines, fibromyalgia and cfs. I found this website: http://www.patientslikeme.com/about — it allows you to input your symptoms, diagnosis and treatments, and to track what you’ve taken and your varying symptoms. Also you can compare your experiences with others in their treatments and symptoms. AND it allows you to print out a report to take with you to your doctors appointments, summarizing everything for the doctor — a GREAT tool (especially since I have a very hard time remembering everything and expressing it all in a doctors appointment!)
21 June 2010 @ 11:30 am
I’m glad you’re finding it helpful. Thanks for sharing with us!