Your favourite Migraine or Headache Blogs

This is your chance to share with all the visitors of the Headache and Migraine News Blog your favourite related blogs (that’s favorite for you from the USA – spelled without the "u". But in this case, u r who we want!). But first, a little background and some ground rules.
Long ago I set up a page featuring a few of my favourites. You can see the page of migraine blogs and headache blogs here. Though the blogs in the aggregator are mostly still going and still excellent, the list is rather out of date. Many new blogs have started since then, some have grown, some have ended. It’s time to get together and find some new ones!
Ground rules
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- »Limit your list to your top 5 – the best of the best.
- »Feel free to include your own blog – in fact, please do! Tell us it’s yours, and be proud!
- »Include the words headache or migraine blogs (4 word phrase) in your comment – otherwise comments with a bunch of links might get sucked up by the filter. This way I can find them if there’s a "false positive".
- »Finally, be sure they are generally focused around headache or migraine issues, or even general chronic pain issues. Personal blogs about personal experiences are great! However, if they only mention migraine once every six months, they’re probably not what we’re looking for. Especially think of blogs we all might find helpful.
I will probably close the comments after a while – we’ll see how it goes. Please share this post with anyone who might have a blog to share!
Now it’s all up to you – let’s see what happens!
18 August 2008 @ 7:19 pm
Hi James!
There’s no way I can pick my top 5 favorite Headache or Migraine Blogs since I have 24 favorites. They are listed in my blog list:
Pink Pearl Girl’s Migraine World
18 August 2008 @ 7:54 pm
Cheater! 😉 Well, at least you gave us your own! I was just reading yours today, actually. 🙂
19 August 2008 @ 5:39 pm
Hi James,
I think we may have not crossed paths yet it our migraineur land! I would love for you to use my blog, it is called
I am a shrink and my hubby is a doc, and boy have we gone through ups and downs! But I believe we all need to try to help get the word out about migraine disease! I will put you on my blogroll and I would love for you to visit!
I also love
and of course teri roberts site!
I will have to get back to you on the last one. But I will be back to enjoy your blog.
praying you have a pain free day.
Liz Carley
19 August 2008 @ 7:04 pm
Great additions, Liz!
19 August 2008 @ 11:07 pm
Well, the obvious pick is my own blog:
All the other headache and Migraine blogs I read are in my blogroll, but I will give you some of my favorites here as well:
Please do check out the others on my blogroll – they’re all great reads!
Be well,
20 August 2008 @ 6:26 pm
Here’s my list:
(1) Yours (Is that allowed?)
(2) The Migraine Girl –
(3) The Daily Headache –
(4) Free My Brain From Migraine Pain –
(5) Somebody Heal Me – (mine)
21 August 2008 @ 9:01 am
Hi James,
Fellow SBI person here! Mine is a blog at
I really enjoy the monthly headache carnival blog that Diana Lee runs at
Then there is Kerrie’s blog at
FYI..Kerrie’s blog was written up in Neurology Today recently which is a magazine for providers to put in their waiting rooms..nice mention for her!
Mary Kay
21 August 2008 @ 6:38 pm
My blog is – not as a frequent poster as most sites. One of my favorite sites is Migraine Chickie at – she’s comical about the pain.
22 August 2008 @ 6:03 am
Thanks for the additions Mary Kay and Aaron! Aaron, I used to read your blog but lost track of it somehow. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂
23 August 2008 @ 1:06 am
Headache/Migraine Blogs:
It’s so hard to choose five!
Putting Our Heads Together,
Migraine Chick,
Somebody Heal Me,
26 August 2008 @ 2:22 pm
Thanks to all those who have posted so far! As I predicted, some were caught by the filter, but I think they’re all up there now. Thanks Abi for your persistence! 🙂
And thanks Diana for mentioning this blog! I’ll allow that. ;D
26 August 2008 @ 5:48 pm
Hi James,
Here are my top 5:
Fly with Hope
Somebody Heal Me
Free My Brain From Migraine Pain
My Life with Migraine
and last, but not least (this one is mine)