1% Thursday: Alternate Drinks
We drink a lot of sugar. Yes, even those genuine 100% real juices are full of – you guessed it – sugar. Oh, natural sugar, of course. And yes, I do buy 100% juices. But all those calories add up quickly, and the sugar in your body spikes and all kinds of problems come of it.
So the tip today is not to give up drinking juice, or other sugary drinks. Here’s just a place to start…
After you drink a glass of juice, or Coke, or even milk… drink a glass of water.
That’s it. Alternate.
It might not change your life drastically, but it will start you on the path to drinking fewer sugars if you’re used to it.
By the way, I said water. Plain, 100% pure, water. No flavouring added. Just water.
And if that’s a problem for you – well, you need to get to know and love water even more than the rest of us. If that’s a problem, you need to take this post more seriously than ever.
By the way, here’s another juice tip for you, and another..
What is 1% Thursday?
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Every Thursday at Headache and Migraine News (weather permitting) we’ll talk about one measurable, practical thing we can do to make our lives just 1% better. Usually it will be something very easy, sometimes it will be a challenge. Let us know if you try it, or share an idea of your own – and maybe a year from now we’ll see that things have really changed for the better!
16 June 2011 @ 7:40 pm
Thanks can use any knowledge that can help me