1% Thursday: Caught with its Price Down – Now’s Your Chance
I don’t think I’ve specifically focused on this on 1% Thursday, but now that the price has dropped so much, it’s time to give it some serious consideration.
Do you want to cut down on your time in front of that flickering computer screen? Do you want to have a wealth of things to do right beside your bed (if you’re well enough to make use of the distraction)? Do you want better access to excellent migraine/headache fighting material? Do you want to make use of one of the world’s best stress-busters?
Get yourself a Kindle.
No, really. You’ve been holding out. But it’s time to reconsider.
Did you know that amazon.com now has the fully-loaded 3G + WifFi Kindle
for only US$189 (which now works in many countries around the world)? Your basic WiFi Kindle for only US$139? Did you know there’s now a sponsored Kindle
for only US$114?
Prices in the UK are low as well – check them out here!
Here’s why you need to consider the Kindle again:
- The screen is fantastic. It’s not a computer screen – it’s easy on the eyes, relaxing, beautiful.
- You can increase the font size if you’re having trouble reading.
- Many books have a feature that allows you to listen to them, if you can’t sit up and read!
- You can put audio books and MP3s and podcasts on your Kindle, another great distraction when you’re not feeling well.
- You can even read blogs on your Kindle (hint hint)!
- There are some great migraine/headache fighter books
available for the Kindle. (UK shoppers try here
- Whatever mood you’re in, whatever you feel like reading, you can have it there beside your bed. The Kindle can hold thousands of books, and there are many many available online for free!
- The battery lasts a looooooong time.
- If you’re in the USA, you can even borrow books from a friend!
- You can even transfer other documents to the Kindle (webpages, Word documents, etc) so that you can read them without the flicker of a computer screen.
- Sleep better by reading the Kindle rather than looking at a bright TV/computer screen before bed.
Of course, the Kindle has many other advantages. But these are a few of special interest to chronic headache or migraine sufferers. The Kindle is an excellent investment, relieving eye pain, killing stress, and even educating you to become a more powerful migraine-fighter.
Think it over. It’s been more than a 1% benefit to me.
What is 1% Thursday?
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Every Thursday at Headache and Migraine News (weather permitting) we’ll talk about one measurable, practical thing we can do to make our lives just 1% better. Usually it will be something very easy, sometimes it will be a challenge. Let us know if you try it, or share an idea of your own – and maybe a year from now we’ll see that things have really changed for the better!
22 April 2011 @ 4:14 pm
I agree 100%!! My kindle has been wonderful for the days I can’t get out of bed, to take me somewhere else, focus my mind on something other than the pain.
25 April 2011 @ 3:10 am
I too love my kindle, and have found that reading is so much easier. Holding a book for any length of time is draining on your arms, then getting the book in the rigt position so you can see both pages clearly without having to move each time you change to the next page. I also suffer from fibrimyalgia and the fact that it weighs so little is of real benefit to me, i can now read when i am hurting to much to get out of bed, and i can prop mine on the cover stand and not have to worry about pages closing on me.
30 April 2011 @ 11:48 pm
I took your word for it, James, I already ordered my Kindle 🙂 I’ve been drooling for one for some time now. I’ll hopefully have it this coming week.
5 May 2011 @ 4:10 pm
The K arrived yesterday and I am loving it. It is going to be my company when I am in misery 🙂