9 Aphrodisiacs for the Romantic with Migraine
So you want to enhance the romance in the month of love, but you don’t want a spike in the migraine scale. What you need are some aphrodisiacs – aphrodisiacs designed just for the romantic with migraine.
Although science has given very limited credence to the concept of natural aphrodisiacs, over thousands of years certain foods have been used in the real world to add a little extra passion to relationships. Here are the picks most compatible when one or both sweethearts are migraineurs:
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- Ginger – thought to increase desire because of of the way it stimulates the circulatory system, it’s also a headache and nausea fighter. It’s even included in migraine supplements. Just the thing for that romantic stir fry.
- Honey – yes, they call it a honeymoon because in medieval times lovers gave each other a drink containing honey. We recently learned it was a great home remedy for headache. The Migraine Cookbook includes the Roast Duck with Spiced Honey recipe, which includes a powerful tryptophan ingredient (duck). The body uses tryptophan to make serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, and low levels have been linked to migraine, depression, and lack of concentration.
- Ginko biloba – a popular though still hotly disputed herb for headache, Ginko is said to increase blood flow to improve alertness and get oxygen to the brain, alleviating headache, including headache from migraine. It’s also a famous aphrodisiac. (be careful of taking ginko with headache medications – check with your doctor!)
- Passionflower – anxious about that romantic evening? Passionflower is believed to lower anxiety. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory and painkiller.
- Garlic – the "heat" of garlic is said to increase passion. Needless to say, this is one you’ll want to make sure you eat with your partner, and not alone. Garlic is a migraine-fighter, possibly because of its blood-thinning properties. An elegant Italian meal with roasted garlic may be just what the doctor ordered.
- Cinnamon – Toast with cinnamon and brown sugar has been tried to fight nausea due to migraine, but it’s also helpful for digestion and fighting the bad bugs that might get in your tummy. A HeadWay subscriber – Greg from the USA – recently told me that he takes 1/8 of a teaspoon on his cereal each morning, and has seen fewer and less severe headaches as a result.
- Almonds – these last three need to be eaten with caution, since for some people they are classic migraine triggers. But if nuts don’t bother you, eating almonds (especially raw almonds) can keep that migraine attack away. They’re also high in tryptophans Almonds are also believed to increase passion in the females of our race.
- Bananas – this classic aphrodisiac can trigger migraine in some, but they’re also high in magnesium, which is a great migraine-fighter. It might help to make sure the banana you eat is not over-ripe. Bananas are, of course, a classic aphrodisiac.
- Chocolate – I have done an unusual amount of research into chocolate. Yes, I know that chocolate is a familiar migraine trigger. Some people just can’t eat it. But in moderation, "real" chocolate may also be a migraine fighter. Real meaning dark chocolate with a high % of cacao (or cocao). It is also a source of magnesium, and has more "antioxidant capacity" than fruits and vegetables. Chocolate seems to cause the body to increase serotonin production. And you’re not going to believe me on this one, but in spite of what the label may say chocolate contains little or no caffeine. Read more about chocolate and headache here.
A couple more notes. First, be careful of alcohol. Though it can lower inhibitions, it can also cause changes in the body which make it an anti-aphrodisiac. It’s also a common migraine trigger. Finally, if too much passion gives you a headache, you might want to check out this article.
May you have new strength to show true love to many in this month of love!
Dealing With Headaches » Blog Archive » Love & Migraines Blog Carnival
11 February 2008 @ 2:09 pm
[…] from Headache and Migraine News Blog offers up “9 Aphrodisiacs for the Romantic with Migraine”. None of these suggestions are for really rare or hard to get items. And most of them are […]