Vitamin B2, Migraine, and Genetics
Now we’re getting somewhere.
Recently Dr. Alexander Mauskop of the New York Headache Center reported on an Italian study related to migraine and genetics. Genetics holds a lot of promise when it comes to understanding what migraine is, and how to treat it. But we still have a long way to go.
But this study really takes us in a practical directions. Researchers discovered that the absence of a certain gene can predict how well a patient will respond to vitamin B2 (riboflavin).
Vitamin B2 has been a very helpful supplement for migraineurs, but like most things it doesn’t work for everyone (more on riboflavin here). Why not? Perhaps for many things, genetics hold the answer. Wouldn’t you love to have a test, and then be given a supplement that had a high chance of working for you, not just one that generally worked for a lot of people?
Like I said, now we’re getting somewhere.
Read Dr Mauskop’s post Genetic-based personalized medicine in headaches