Cluster Conventions
If you’re in the United States, you have your choice of two cluster headache conventions this summer (or you can attend parts of both). O.U.C.H. (Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches) is having it conference on 13-16 July 2006 in Waukesha, WI (just outside of Milwaukee). They have not yet announced all their speakers, but Dr. Andrew Sewell and Dr. John Halpern, both of Harvard Medical School.
ClusterBusters will be holding its first annual convention on July 15-17 in Lisle, IL. Drs Sewell and Halpern will be travelling to speak at this one as well. Also speaking will be researcher and author James Joseph. More speakers will be announced.
For more on the conventions, visit O.U.C.H.’s convention page and ClusterBuster’s convention page. Thanks to Teri Robert for pointing these out.