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  1. Dr. Michael Zitney
    12 May 2012 @ 9:34 am

    It is fair to say that if you have a problem with migraines, it is very likely you will have a problem with bowel function. The common thread is probably genetically determined abnormalities in serotonin function. It would be interesting to know how many readers have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel syndrome. What about a survey?


  2. Gianni
    15 July 2012 @ 6:16 pm

    Is there any Seattle-area clinic that understands these abdominal & migraine connenctions and can provide guidance on treatment? I’ve been diagnosed with abdominal migraine. I am a 61 year old male and have had this condition since a child (age 5 first memory of attack). Father suffered from acute migraine headaches. Parts of symptoms of CVS, abdominal migraine, IBS and gastric stasis – all apply to my condition. As a prophylactic, since 1990s, use inderal and symax; use Imitrex when attack starts plus an anti nausea medication. These have minimized symtoms and hastened recovery. But they were reached by accident, at best. Looking for knowledeable physicians/clinic on these matters . . .


  3. Jean
    6 October 2014 @ 11:30 pm

    I want answers about how to deal with the gastric stasis and the bloat and discomfort it causes. I don’t see this addressed by any articles. This is relatively (3 yrs) new to me a life long migrainer. Almost a yr ago was my last extreme attack but now just have silent migraines with all types of body discomforts but nothing awful like loss of vision, and some of the other scary things. The slow digestion and bloat really has me stumped as how to deal with this. I will continue to persist until something works.

    Was just realizing today that some of my inability to communicate with people when I’m out and about being subjected to all the odors out there. I think in pictures and can’t find all the words to express myself.


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