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  1. Parin Stormlaughter
    18 September 2010 @ 7:37 am

    Would love to know more about the study itself. The way I read the abstract, the study was questionnaire-based with some clinical findings?

    I’d love to know if the people who suffered cardiovascular events had taken migraine medications with known cardiovascular effects prior to their cardio event, say, up to 48 hours prior. Honestly, I wonder if that was even a part of the study?

    Thanks for the article.


  2. Karen Anderson
    30 September 2010 @ 11:23 am

    Thank you for the information. I am home today with a migraine but I was suppose to be at my father-in-laws, who smokes. You have reaffirmed the importance of staying clear of second hand smoke.


  3. Anna Fitzgerald
    16 December 2010 @ 4:26 am

    The article says in point 6 ‘avoid legal drugs’. Should I be refusing antibiotics prescribed by my GP? Should I refuse over-the-counter medicines for cold, flu, and migraine? Please can this be clarified.


    • James
      21 December 2010 @ 1:24 pm

      Hi Anna-

      Yeah, that should say ILLegal drugs! Thanks for catching that! Sorry for the confusion. Obviously, there are some LEGAL drugs as well that can be a problem. Your doctor needs to be aware if you are at a high risk for heart disease – then she will be able to help you decide what drugs to take and what drugs NOT to take.


  4. Nancy
    21 April 2011 @ 10:26 pm

    I’ve been reading about Brain Diabetis whether you have diabetis or not. (Sorry I can’t spell of Diabetis, I do not have this). Doctors do not know what to do with me yet? Mini strokes are part of the problem, too.


  5. Nancy
    21 April 2011 @ 10:27 pm

    Migraines and especially Ocular Migraines are the main problem along with the mini strokes.


  6. Aileen Jones
    21 April 2015 @ 9:39 am

    I have have had migraines since I was 15, i am now 56 and my migraines are worse than ever, especially since i started menopause, yet all the specialists tell me tasty of BHRT, but have nothing to offer for my hot flashes. what else could i be doing for my menopause symptoms, without it effecting my migraines…thank you


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