IndoProCaf – another combo drug

Just stopping by to mention another combination drug, since this has been a hot topic lately around here.  Today’s topic – IndoProCaf.

IndoProCaf is a combination of indomethacin (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory), caffeine, and prochlorperazine (for nausea most often).  It does seem to have an edge over some other solitary drugs.  In one study comparing IndoProCaf suppositories with sumatriptan suppositories, the combo drug seemed to come out as a clear winner.  This study makes some interesting points about how to measure results, by the way, if you’re interested.

Naturally, one good thing about IndoProCaf is that it fights nausea.  But, do you need all three ingredients every time?  That’s one of the questions of the combo drugs.

Have you tried IndoProCaf?  Do you find it better than some migraine-specific drugs?