Brain Tumor or Migraine?
Brain Tumour or Migraine?
Headaches are a symptom of both migraine and brain tumour. Symptoms alone can’t diagnose a tumour, but there are “warning signs” that should send you to a doctor.
See a doctor right away if:
- Headache attacks get worse and/or more frequent
- The pattern of headaches changes
- New symptoms include changes in behaviour, weakness, confusion or dizziness
… and headache treatments aren’t helping.
Tell your doctor if:
- Headaches worse in the morning or after a nap
- Headaches worse with coughing, sneezing or straining
- You’re experiencing vision and/or hearing problems
- You smoke or have a history of cancer
Good news?
- Most people with headaches (even severe ones) don’t have a brain tumour (brain tumor)
- More brain tumours are non-cancerous than cancerous
- Brain tumours are very serious, but there are treatments available