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  1. Deborah
    9 October 2006 @ 10:43 am

    These pictures were taken by my daughter, then 13, after I’d had another unsuccessful nerve block. Not much has changed in the last year since they were taken; although, my room is now a more tranquil color, with chocolate leather curtains, that I am able to use to block out any offending light!! The hand is almost always present on my face, is it on yours too?


  2. James
    12 October 2006 @ 7:57 am

    Thanks for sharing, Deborah. I think if an attack is bad enough I wouldn’t be able to stand a hand on my face very long – more likely my eye pillow.

    Sounds like you have a good decor though – anything to block out or dull the light sounds great! I’m travelling right now and I’m in a room with no blinds at all, so hopefully I stay healthy. 🙂


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