A reminder – share your medical history!
No, don’t share it with everyone, but do share it with your doctor, or those that might be treating you in the emergency room, for example! A recent story of a 38 year old who had some confusing symptoms reminded me of this.
I try to remind people that they need to talk to a doctor who knows their medical history. I can’t emphasize this enough. The more your doctor knows, the better she will be able to diagnose and treat you. If she is missing information, you could very easily end up with a wrong diagnosis, and treatment you don’t need (that could make things worse).
Or, you could end up with treatment that could harm you because, for example, it interacts with that natural remedy you’re taking, or that other drug, or that medical condition you failed to mention.
The story comes out of Toulouse, France. The 38 year old female patient came in with symptoms looking like serious cerebral stroke, and she was treated with this in mind. But it wasn’t stroke.
What she was experiencing was migraine aura – atypical aura. She hadn’t mentioned her history of migraine, and so she ended up being treated for the wrong thing. (see Migraine with atypical aura in the recovery room: a sometimes complicated diagnosis!)
Take the time to share your medical history. Have the pertinent information handy – maybe this means carrying around a sheet of paper, or having a medical USB drive. Keep it handy and get the treatment you need.
5 May 2010 @ 7:47 am
When you say a “medical USB drive”, do you mean something with a simple text document stating meds, conditions, etc.. Or is there an actual product made for this specific purpose, that helps you hold your records, and is actually helpful about it? Because if such a thing exists, I need to get one!!!
24 October 2012 @ 8:26 pm
A form of some sort would be great! A few months ago I typed up some information to keep with me in case of emergency, but I already realize there’s information I left off.