Alternative therapies – this month’s blog carnival
The theme of this month’s Headache and Migraine Disease Blog Carnival was Alternative therapies. There weren’t a lot of posts, and they were all good ones, so why not click the link and read through them?
I especially appreciated the simple but important post complementary vs alternative medicine. If you just read one, this might be the one to consider.
Thanks again to Diana at Somebody Heal Me for the hard work she does putting up this blog carnival each month.
23 October 2009 @ 1:09 pm
Hi James,
I thought you might be interested in my latest article, “Can You See the Sailing Ships?” posted on my blog: I take a body-mind approach to tackling chronic headaches and migraines. It looks like I missed the alt med Carnival and will contact Diana. I’ve added your website to my blogroll and was wondering if you might add me to your links, resources, or wherever appropriate?
Thanks and best,
Jan Mundo, CMSC, CMT
Somatic and Headache Coach, Bodywork Practitioner