Blood Pressure and Migraine (again)
Another study came out this year linking high blood pressure (hypertension) with migraine. But not for everyone.

The study, published in July, found the link only in women – however, the researchers noted that the number of men in the study was small, so a larger study may show a risk for men as well.
The link was specifically related to diastolic blood pressure. When your blood pressure is taken, it will have two numbers – a higher number and a lower number. The higher number is more commonly linked to cardiovascular problems, but both numbers are important and both numbers can be “high”. The lower number is the pressure of blood vessels “at rest” – diastolic blood pressure. You can see a typical chart of numbers here.
Essentially, higher diastolic numbers meant a higher chance that that particular woman also suffered from migraine.
The link between migraine and stroke and other cardiovascular problems seems to be well established. But we’re still learning just how to understand the connection. The fact that only the one blood pressure number related to migraine tells us that we may need to look at “non-traditional” numbers when we investigate migraine and heart problems.
Meanwhile, at the very least this study is another link between migraine and hypertension. While you’re looking for effective migraine treatment, it’s also important that you take care of your heart. A healthy lifestyle should help with both headache and heart issues.
Here’s a MedlinePlus take on preventing hypertension. Also be sure to check out Your Questions: Reducing Stroke Risk When You Have Migraine.