Botox for Migraine: One size does NOT fit all!
We’ve talked a lot about the pros and cons of Botox for migraine here. One of the biggest challenges with Botox treatment is that it is, in many ways, still in its infancy.
After a frustrating experience trying to pass on the treatment of an 83 year old woman, Dr. Alexander Mauskop at the New York Headache Center takes the time to VENT – and to remind doctors that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all Botox treatment.
Doctors, it’s worth whie to read a little about Dr. Mauskop’s experiences. He has used Botox with many patients for 22 years, and takes the time to keep track of how well it works, how often it should be administered, and how.
Although more clinical trials do need to be done, it’s helpful to at least read about the experiences of other doctors.
To find out more about recommended needle size, treatment frequency, and dosage, check out Common avoidable problems with Botox injections.
5 October 2016 @ 9:29 pm
@migraine_blog my PCP is pushing me towards #botox but I’m very hesitant