A Letter from a Cancer Patient
Although it’s a letter from a cancer patient, and not a chronic headache patient, I have a feeling a lot of people with chronic illness can relate.
David Darlington is an editor with the American Historical Association for their magazine Perspectives on History. He’s also one of the authors at In the Agora. Dealing with cancer, he wrote a post entitled Dear Friend – a letter to that kind person who keeps emailing him about “new” cancer “cures” that they discover on the internet.
See? I told you that other people would be able to relate! 🙂
Now I don’t exactly feel the same as he does – I’m a little more interested in the treatments I hear about from people. Then again, I have an extra reason – I’m constantly evaluating those treatments and writing about them here. And there’s another difference – as serious as migraine is (sometimes even deadly), cancer is on a whole different level when it comes to killing-power. So if I were in his shoes, I suspect my response would be a little more like his…
Greetings! I hope this letter finds you well. I’m dropping you a quick note today to express my appreciation for all you’ve done for me during my cancer trial this past year. Your love and support means more than I can express in words, and your actions have lifted me up in my time of need.
But if I may be so bold, there is has been one area where your assistance has been more of a distraction than an aid. I am speaking of your passing along of miracle cures and alternative therapies you’ve heard about or read on the internet. While I appreciate the intent behind you sending me these things…
Read the rest here. And share your thoughts in the comments – how do you feel when people send you the latest headache “cure”? Plus, be sure to take our current poll on the topic!
via JollyBlogger