Royal chocolate

Just for fun (ok, so there was some practical information in there too!) I did a study on chocolate just in time for Valentines Day, in Headway.  I also wrote this related article, in which I recommended Galler chocolate for those that were able to eat it.

Now I got some chocolate for my wife (and myself!) for Valentines Day.  What I actually got was Galler Noir Extreme, which is 70% cocoa, and let me tell you, it was fabulous.  Now what I didn’t know when I wrote the article was that, not only is this Belgian chocolate, this is the company that actually supplies chocolate to the Belgian royal court!  Unbelievable.  I also learned that this is a "fair trade" company, meaning that they’re committed to making sure that people are treated fairly all throughout the production of the chocolate.  So if you’re looking to have one great chocolate experience in your life, I would highly recommend Galler Noir Extreme.

For those of you who know for sure that chocolate is a migraine trigger, I apologize for belabouring the point.  As someone once reminded me in a newsgroup, why is it that our triggers are always things we like?  That doesn’t seem fair.  In a better world, migraine triggers would include (for me) brussel sprouts.  Now that would be more like it! 🙂