It’s almost time for the Migraine World Summit! Now that the summit is an established part of the fight against migraine, some people may wonder why we keep coming back.
This brief video is worth showing to your family and friends to give them an idea why the summit is so valuable. Check it out, and share! Remember, you can register for free right here. This year’s summit is the 20th – 27th of March.
… By the way, do you want to learn more about those 10 year impact statistics and where they come from? Click here for more…
As most of you know, the Migraine World Summit starts tomorrow! The interviews will be 100% free (with free registration) during each 24 hour period of the summit, from Tuesday the 6th until the Wednesday the 13th.
Now, registering is super-easy, so you shouldn’t have any questions there. And as I’ve said in the past, I encourage you to register even if you’re not sure you’ll be able to watch any of the interviews. Why? Because interest in the summit shows policy-makers and researchers that there is interest in fighting back against migraine and other headache disorders.
More information about what’s coming…
But you may have other questions about the why and how and who. I encourage you to flip on the recording of the pre-Summit Webinar, which will answer many more of your questions and give you more tricks and tips to make the most of the next few days. The video starts off with a reminder of how important it is to take care of your own health!
For a few more hours – “early-bird” special…
Now I’m often late in mentioning this, so let me get to it now. Many people find 8 days of interviews pretty overwhelming, and they would prefer to spend more time absorbing the practical information from the summit. That’s why the full World Summit library is available. And I’m mentioning it now because of the early-bird pricing.
The full library is much more than just the video interviews. Yes, you get the videos – you can download them, rewind them, re-listen to them – but you can also read the transcripts (and to be easy on the eyes, why not download them to your favourite ebook reader?). You can also get the audio versions of the interviews – again, much easier on the eyes! You’ll also get special summaries of the interviews.
But perhaps the greatest value is the newly updated treatment directory, guide to recommended treatments, and new treatments list.
You’ll also get access to a private Facebook support group. And – well, I’ll let you check out the rest for yourself. The point is that this is a full, newly updated treatment guide, with updates from the world’s top experts. And that’s much more than you’ll see over the next few days.
The “early-bird” pricing is only available for a few more hours, but it will save you between 13% and 21%, depending on which package you would like. So give it some thought, and check out all the details right here to see if the library would be useful for you, as a migraine patient or someone who supports one.
I should also note – all of this has a 30 day guarantee. So if you take a look and don’t think it will be useful for you, you can get your money back. Which is another reason why it makes sense to grab it now.
Either way, I hope you find some great information at the summit – let’s keep fighting back!
If you want to get the inside track on what’s coming up at the Migraine World Summit – and even ask your questions – be sure to attend the Pre-Summit Live Webinar!
Here’s what’s coming at this event, which will be on the 28th of February (Wednesday):
How to access the Migraine World Summit
Topics and speakers you shouldn’t miss
What to expect during the Summit week
How to ask questions of the experts
New features for 2024
How to access even more resources and tools
Live audience Q&A
How to reserve a spot at this live online event:
There is limited space, so you’ll want to make sure to reserve a spot today. First, make sure you’re registered for the summit – you can do that here (it’s free and very quick): Migraine World Summit
Next, go to the Pre-Summit Webinar page, and reserve your spot. Note that this webinar will use Zoom, so you might want to make sure you have Zoom set up before the webinar starts.
The webinar will be at 4pm EST (click the link to translate to your local time).
The purpose of the webinar:
The main purpose of this webinar is to make sure you can get the most out of the Migraine World Summit – that is, access the information that’s most useful to you. Not all of us have the time (or stamina!) to watch all the interviews at the time. So you’ll learn how to find the most important ones for you, and also how to make sure your questions are asked, so that more practical information will be available now and in the future.
I think there are some suprises that haven’t been announced yet – so you may get more secret knowledge than you expect!
Our friends at The Migraine World Summit have already announced the topics that they’re going to be covering (March 6-13) – topics based on questions that were sent in by migraine patients around the world.
Today’s Tip
In fact, if you go to the schedule page here, you can see the topics and click on the specific interviews to see what questions they’ll be addressing.
For example, being myself a fan of Dr. Dawn Buse, I wanted to know more about her topic, “Brain-Related Comorbidities of Migraine”. Here are some of the questions she’ll be dealing with:
What is multiple sclerosis (MS), and how is it related to migraine?
What is fibromyalgia, and how is it related to migraine?
How does the risk of stroke influence the choice of medications for treating migraine?
What is insomnia, and how is it related to migraine?
A few things to look forward to
Sounds pretty practical! Here are some other questions that might interest you – but please go and check out the schedule for yourself. (Be sure you’re signed in, or register now for the summit.)
How does a diagnosis of chronic migraine change the nature of treatment? (Controlling Chronic Migraine)
When should a patient seek a second opinion or specialized care for their headache disorder? (Beginner’s Guide to Headache Types)
What are the potential side effects and risks associated with Excedrin Migraine and other over-the-counter (OTC) headache medications? (How Much Is Too Much Excedrin Migraine?)
What safety data is available for CGRP-targeted medications? (Balancing Risks & Benefits of Migraine Treatments)
What advice would you give to someone who feels like they have tried everything to manage their headache disorder? (New Daily Persistent Headache: Pain That Won’t Stop)
How can we advocate for ourselves with our healthcare providers? (Migraine FOMO: Are You Missing Out?)
What is an effective but realistic way to schedule exercise if you have migraine disease? (Best Exercise Options for People With Migraine)
What are signs of an insufficient supply of energy to the brain? (Is Migraine a Brain Energy Problem?)
Why should people with migraine disease take dietary supplements? (Supplements & Foods That Ease Migraine)
How does a migraine attack change during perimenopause and menopause? (Menopause, Perimenopause & Migraine)
That’s just a few – there are dozens more.
And remember, these are fresh new interviews with some of the world’s leading experts – not recycled information that’s been stale for years.
A new book is not only reminding us that we’re not alone, but also being used to raise money to fight migraine.
It’s not the only one of its kind, but let’s face it, it’s been a full 15 years since the beautiful Migraine Expressions was published (a book I would still recommend, by the way!). It’s certainly time for another chapter in the story.
This book comes from a different source – our friends at Miles for Migraine. You’re probably familiar with the Run/Walk/Relax events that has made Miles for Migraine famous for raising awareness and raising funds. If there’s a season for these events, it tends to be more February to April, with a few other events later on. But the organization has expanded quite a bit in recent years, offering many other events and support groups online and offline, as well as resources and training. All the while, they help provide funds for migraine treatment and research.
But off-season or not, this is the season for giving, and the new book Dear Migraine: Migraine and headache inspired essays, poems and art is out just in time for Christmas. You might want to get it for a migraineur, or perhaps for a close friend or family member, to help them understand. As it says in the official promo:
Inside these pages you will find works that illustrate pain and struggle, but also laughter, insights, and inspiration. The words and visuals in this book are by 64 contributors who have all been affected by migraine and headache diseases.
But besides the value of the book itself, proceeds from the sales will go toward the work of Miles for Migraine. That’s how you give twice! Give through the links in this post, and you’ll also support the work of this website. That’s giving three ways at once! I think that’s the best I can do for today. 🙂