Christian Body Migraine Defense (now Tuliv Migraine Defense)
People are still looking for and asking about a supplement for migraine known as Christian Body Migraine Defense. Also called CB Migraine Defense, the name was changed to Tuliv Migraine Defense in 2007.
Christian Body Migraine Defense actually came under the most fire because of its name. Both Christians and non-Christians alike were uncomfortable with the use of "Christian" in the name of a product like this.
In defence (pardon the pun) of the name, it actually came from the original name of the company – which was Christian Body. The company focused on the Christian community, encouraging them to take better care of their bodies. Their early focus was on vitamin supplements, and Christian Body Migraine Defense was added later on. I tend to agree that it was a good move to change the name! 🙂
So what is in Tuliv Migraine Defense? Let’s take a quick look at the ingredients:
- Borage Oil Powder: Borage is traditionally used as a cooling and calming herb, and is said to improve circulation and decrease inflammation. It’s also been popular in use for the hormonal system, to treat symptoms of PMS and menopause.
- Dong Quai Extract: Used as a hormone regulator and a mild laxative. Also may thin the blood. (Note: Dong Quai is considered dangerous during pregnancy)
- Vitex Agnus: Also known as chasteberry, and believed to reduce prolactin (a hormone) in higher doses. It’s used to treat both male and female reproductive systems, and there is some evidence it’s beneficial for treating symptoms of PMS.
- Black Cohosh: Very popular these days for symptoms of PMS and menopause. There is increasing interest in using it to treat osteoporosis. There are some concerns about black cohosh increasing and prolonging blood flow during menses, and some researchers caution against taking it for long periods of time. It also contains tannins, and has been known to cause headache.
- Cramp Bark: Popularly used to treat menstrual cramps, but is also used for all kinds of muscle pains.
- Wild Yam Extract: Another one used for PMS and menopause. Has also been used with Vitex agnus to treat morning sickness.
- Vitamin B6: Works on the metabolism, among other things. Helps in the creation of serotonin in the body. It’s also used for morning sickness, and to treat hangover. B6 is a mild diuretic.
- Folic Acid: A form of vitamin B9. Many of you are familiar with folic acid because it’s taken by women who want to become pregnant. It has a number of benefits in the body, and it’s been a suggested ingredient to fight heart disease, stroke and depression.
Please note – that wasn’t supposed to be a comprehensive overview of these ingredients, just a brief informal summary. I know there is much more that could be said!
The theory behind the supplement
You’ll notice many of these herbs are often used by women for PMS and menopause. However, the creators of Christian Body Migraine Defense believe that migraine is related to hormones in both men and women. The claim is that this supplement treats the hormonal problem and so gets to the very root of migraine. The site says:
Over 90% of all migraines occurring in men and women are caused by the body’s inability to properly manage specific hormones which causes the release of neurochemicals that upon reaching the trigeminal-vascular system in your head generates a painful migraine headache.
The problem with the money
The former Christian Body Migraine Defense, now Tuliv Migraine Defense, suffers from the same problem of a lot of smaller companies. They’re not going to have the money for massive clinical trials like the big companies. The need to rely on research (often one or two people) and a lot of luck.
That’s not necessarily a strike against them. We urgently need researchers coming from new angles with new ideas. There is so much information to go through, it is entirely possible that a small company or even an individual anywhere in the world may make the breakthrough that leads to much better migraine treatment. Besides, even the research of the big companies can be misused and misunderstood.
However, it’s obvious that the lack of research can be a strike against as well. With so many things to try, the fact that Tuliv Migraine Defense is different may be one of the few reasons why people will order.
Christian Body Migraine Defense vs Other Supplements
Also a little puzzling is the way the company speaks out against other migraine treatments. Although they admit their supplement won’t work for anyone, they also downplay other supplements that have a great deal of evidence to back them up. On their home page they say,"Migraine Defense does not contain hormones, feverfew, butterbur, magnesium, amino acids, or any other such non-productive ingredients."
They need to take a look at the clinical evidence behind some of those "non-productive" ingredients.
Later they say: Migraine Defense is not a "folk lore remedy" and does not contain such notions as butterbur, feverfew, or magnesium as do many of the “soup pot” migraine potions sold today.
There is increasing clinical evidence for all three of those in the treatment of migraine, and calling them "potions" isn’t contributing to the scientific research in my opinion. (More on butterbur, feverfew and magnesium for migraine)
I’ve also learnt to be cautious about companies claiming to know the cause of migraine, as their main page says about the developer of Christian Body Migraine Defense: …he did more than discover the true biological cause of migraines; he went on to develop the first anti-migraine nutraceutical formula that completely stopped and eliminated forevermore migraines for his wife Eileen.
In summary, I don’t want to write off smaller companies making contributions to migraine treatment. Often they indeed to a better job than the larger companies. However, I would approach each one with caution.
Remember, herbs can have side effects, and can interact with other herbs and drugs. Do your research, and talk to a doctor who knows your medical history and knows what other herbs, supplements and drugs you’re taking.
And remember, there are a lot of good options out there – the best thing is to find a good specialist who is willing to help you through the maze.
21 January 2009 @ 2:57 pm
Great post James. Thanks for sharing- very Interesting.
22 January 2009 @ 3:50 pm
Thank you for Migraine Defense
Thanks for the review of Migraine Defense. Eileen will be completing her fifth migraine free year in mid-February. Since we never intended to develop something to sell, we are very please that we have been able to help others.
I acknowledge your comments on my comments on other migraine products which I feel are less effective than Migraine Defense. After four years of visiting with tens of thousands of migraineurs, we have come to know a great deal about what works and what does not. However, the way I state something on the web site may not be the most elegant.
What has been interesting to note the change in direction of migraine research since I first introduced my unique research idea about how hormones are the root cause of migraines in men and women. It appears that many pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and doctors now seem to be paying more attention to the case. However, most are still wrongly thinking of hormonal migraines as relating to the levels of estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone in the body (each of which are in both male and female bodies).
My research is less interested in the levels of hormones than what is controlling the level changes, i.e. the pituitary gland. This is why I have developed the lifetime pattern of migraines to illustrate how the base pattern of migraines changes during the four major stages of life. For example, migraines for many men and women tend to get worse after the age of forty. Secondly, the time of the day during which the onset of a migraine occurs is of great importance and again indicates they other hormones from other glands are also involved. I understand why a migraine wakes a person at 4 AM or why you may feel like a migraine is starting after 4 P.M. Third, how many people realize that the monthly cycle that is very evident in women with migraine is controlled by the pituitary gland.
Therefore, when I say hormone related migraines, I am talking about how “messenger hormones” are affecting the outcome of a cellular processes causes the migraine syndrome to occur.
Stress or tension migraines are also hormone migraines according to my research. That is why the headache occurs after the stress passes. Other times even a strenuous workout can trigger a migraine – the answer can be found in what is produced by repetitive muscle motion.
Jerry, you are right we are not a “big money” company, but we do know migraines and can answer the migraine questions and we do have a solution that works.
Not being big may be to the advantage of those who rely on us to help them as we work hard for them. We request that each person who orders Migraine Defense keep a migraine diary so that they can track their progess as it starts to work. No guessing, no lies, and no mistreatment. Just real people helping real people.
One thing that few people know is how much time Eileen and I spend on the phone each day visiting with who suffer from migraines. Perhaps we are not “big money” because we never charge for consulting services and even provide a toll free number 1-866-367-5953. We are not selling Migraine Defense during these visits; we are simply trying to help someone who is suffering from migraines find the answer.
We first try to help them identify anything that can be contributing to their migraines including birth control pills, HRT, foods that elevate nitric oxide in their bodies, tanning lotions that contain tyrosine, and protein drinks; things that can be changed to better their situation rather than by medications or even our product. We would rather help them identify what is causing their problem, then to sell them our product.
We also personally answer all the emails addressed to us. Anyone can email us at or They can also visit our web site
We are compassionate about their situation and understand how they feel because we have been there. We know the frustration felt and how lonely it can be to suffer from migraines. We also know how wonderful it is to hear someone who has suffered for years from migraines say they have their life back and they can once again, or in some cases for the first time, enjoy life.
Over seven years ago I put everything else aside to find a way to help my wife be relieved of migraines. I never thought get so involved in helping others when I found the answer for Eileen.
Sometimes I say to myself, “I would like to get to get back to enjoying those things that I set aside,” and yet I am drawn to be available each day to help another regain the enjoyment of life.
Thank you Jerry, for including Tuliv and Migraine Defense in your review and may God bless you.
Lyle Henry
Tuliv Migraine Research
6 February 2009 @ 7:28 am
Thanks for your response, Lyle. It’s great to have your comment here.
I hope you do continue to work for migraine patients, and I hope you have success treating migraine. But we do need to remember that, so far, no treatment works for everyone. Some treatments that haven’t worked for your wife have been a boon to many, many others.
All the best, and please come back and comment again! 🙂
12 March 2009 @ 10:04 pm
Tuliv migraine Defense has saved my life (as well as my mother’s). I still get the occasional migraine when triggered by msg, travel or air pressure changes, but those are usually not as severe as before. Dosage is crucial and you have to adjust it to your body so it takes a few weeks to figure it all out. I am just hoping that my personal experience will help someone else.
I am also totally eliminating msg from my diet (see msg myth). It is in almost everything and was effecting me more than I knew.
I know there are thousands of people that this product could help and my hope is that others can stop suffering. I just recommended it to a friend and after 2 months of use, she is much better. She still has one a week but was having 4-6 before and was overdosing on triptans and excedrin. She is still trying to adjust her dosage and see if she can get even better.
For those of you out there who are skeptical. It’s worth a try. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
18 March 2009 @ 8:50 pm
I’m glad it helped you, Kati!
Most treatments for migraine take time (I’m talking about preventative treatments). You usually do need several weeks or more for your body to adjust.
I hope, as you do, that others can find treatments that work. And if this is it – great!
21 February 2013 @ 10:23 pm
I have a 20yr. Old son who has been suffering from a migraine for over two years with no break. He has been in and out of hospitals, a multitude of drugs and tried gluten free and dairy free diets to no avail. He moved from Omaha to California to see if it would help but only getting worse. Considering taking this product but want to hear from others. His headaches started with his hormone changes in jr.high. Anyone else have a boy with a similar history? Thanks!!
22 February 2013 @ 2:03 pm
Hi Chris,
I noticed your comment and although you are looking for non-bias response, as the developer of Tuliv Migraine Defense, I wanted to give you my phone number and let you know that I would be more than happy to visit with you about your son. You will find, as so many have before you, that when you call our number one concern and intention is to help you and not just sell you our product.
Even though the root cause of migraine can be traced to the DNA, there are many circumstances that can aggravate the condition. For example, many young man are in to exercise and fitness. This is great except workouts can result in a migraine attack do to the increased level of nitric oxide produced in the body. On top of this, many will drink a protein drink either before or following the workout. For a un-migraine person, this is not a problem; however, for a migrainuer this can trigger more migraine headaches.
So if you would like to visit, please call or send me an email My phone number is 1-866-367-5953.
Best regards,
Lyle Henry