Do Hotdogs trigger Migraine Headache?

Hotdogs may trigger migraine headache and other migraine symptoms.
- Nitrites: An almost universal wiener ingredient, even when the label says “no nitrite added”. A “hot dog headache” usually refers to headache from nitrites.
- MSG: A common migraine trigger, along with related ingredients such as autolized yeast or hydrolyzed protein – may be listed as “flavors”).
- Other wiener ingredients could trigger attacks – e.g. soy products and aged meats.
- Toppings: Common toppings could trigger migraine attacks – e.g. onions and sauerkraut.
- White flour: that bun leads to a sugar spike which can trigger an attack.
For some, an occasional hotdog is fine. For others, a hotdog or two could be a migraine attack just waiting to happen.
For more, read: Is there such a thing as a migraine diet? and What’s in Your Wiener? Hot Dog Ingredients Explained
4 November 2013 @ 12:33 pm
@migraine_blog Duh, they’re made out of crap! Anything processed is a trigger for me.
4 November 2013 @ 12:38 pm
Guess I am no longer going to eat a Hot Dog
4 November 2013 @ 12:42 pm
They are not a trigger for me. But salami and pepperonis usually are.
4 November 2013 @ 1:00 pm
Almost 100% of the time they are a trigger for me…
4 November 2013 @ 1:08 pm
Idk abot hot dogs because I don’t like them but I know any kind of pork meat does
4 November 2013 @ 1:28 pm
Oh, yeah.None of that for me, or a migrane will come
4 November 2013 @ 2:03 pm
Absolutely! It’s the nitrites and msg.
4 November 2013 @ 3:19 pm
Sometimes I will get a migraine sometimes not. I try not to eat them to much but they are just so good lol
4 November 2013 @ 4:37 pm
All the listed triggers here give me migraines more than not. Once in a while I can enjoy a hot dog without getting one, not often. Again, I think cause I cannot eat them, they still are so yummy to me! 🙂
4 November 2013 @ 5:40 pm
I’m ok with hot dogs but as far as aged meat I’m a goner and I’ve found something else when I made lasagna Italian blend cheese triggered a major migraine for days not sure about the Italian sausage but I did cook some tonight for my sons dinner and the smell alone almost made me sick
4 November 2013 @ 5:50 pm
Its the nitrates in the dogs and lunch meat
5 November 2013 @ 8:54 am
I can have a hotdog without a headache…its just the onion that kills me. Hotdogs without onion is my way of life but I do use onion powder mixed in with my mayo and mustard. 😉
5 November 2013 @ 6:42 pm
Hotdogs are for sure a migraine trigger for me. Gave them up long ago.
27 December 2013 @ 10:27 pm
Nitrates and MSG should be banned from all food products. They do no one no good and aren’t really necessary.
10 September 2015 @ 11:26 am
That explains it. On labor day I had my four hot dogs and for the last two days I’ve had the worst migraine sticking headache, I never eat hot dogs except for labor day BBQ. Next time, hamburgers.!
9 April 2023 @ 3:48 pm
Never had meat triggers, Hair spray and perfume are my biggest triggers!