Doctors and Alternative Therapy for Migraine (video)
This video comes from the NBC, and it’s just a little discussion of some of the more common "alternative" treatments for migraine.
It’s good to see more and more doctors recommending something other than drugs. There is such a wide variety of treatments available that the doctor who offers a couple of painkillers and then gives up is (thankfully) becoming more and more rare.
The video talks about a number of things we’ve talked about before, such as butterbur, magnesium, botox, coenzyme q10 and biofeedback.
Click below to go to the video:

Thanks to Diana Lee for passing this video on.
19 January 2009 @ 1:50 pm
I ordered Migravent today to see if that would work for me. I currently use Imitrex when I get a migraine, but I can only get 9 pills a month and took my last one today with 2 more weeks to go! I really want to try a more holistic approach with diet, stress reduction and exercise.
Has anyone tried Migravent and have you had any success?