Dr. Jacobson’s Relaxation Technique
If there’s anyone whose name is associated with the word “relax”, it has to be Edmund Jacobson. His work on progressive relaxation and natural child birth methods have had tremendous influence in the last 100+ years since he presented his ideas at Harvard University in 1908.

Known as “the father of progressive relaxation”, his classics such as You Must Relax and You Can Sleep Well are still available. His focus on fighting insomnia and relaxing the body has often caught the attention of migraine and headache specialists, because his techniques are simple and effective.
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was one of the first relaxation techniques I learned personally. It’s easy to learn, and may help alleviate migraine and also help you sleep (which is important for fighting migraine).
A recent study, perhaps oddly comparing Jacobson’s technique with aerobic exercise, found that PMR was indeed effective at fighting migraine (Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise and Jacobson’s Relaxation Training in Reducing Migraine among Females).
Psychologist Jennifer Delgado Suárez has posted a useful article explaining the technique in simple terms here: Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation Technique. There are also numerous other articles and videos online, or books you can buy, but this will get you started doing it on your own for free.
Have you ever tried PMR? In what ways or in what situations have you found it to be most helpful?