Drastic Diet Changes
The recent poll question was: Have you ever made drastic changes to your diet to fight your headache or migraine condition? (ie changes that affect most meals you eat)

As you can see, most of our visitors answered “yes”.
Many years of research have convinced me that changing the way we eat is one of the most powerful (if not the most powerful) things that we can do to fight migraine. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Whose advice do we listen to? How “drastic” do the changes need to be?
Not only that, but it can be a real challenge to fight cultural norms. How can we cut such-and-such from our diet, when it’s a part of every social event and on every street corner?
We’ve talked a lot about changing the way we eat, and we’ll continue to do so. But don’t be discouraged! You’re not crazy if you’re ready to make serious changes to the way you eat. You’re in good company. And it’s only logical that you should think seriously about what you put into your body, instead of just following the crowd (or the latest advertisements!).
Of course we need to think seriously about treatments and drugs. But we should be thinking even more about what passes our lips several times a day.