ForeverWell – Ready to Ship
The news from Tom Staverosky, President of ForeverWell, is that the popular supplement should be shipping within the next few days (if yours hasn’t shipped already).
There was a backup of past orders due to supply issues with one of the ingredients in the supplement. It sounds like most orders have now either been filled or will be filled shortly.
Tom Staverosky told me that he’s working to make the turnaround as fast as possible, and to build up an inventory again so that the issue is not repeated next year.
When I hear more, I’ll let you know! But for now it sounds like things are up and running again.
9 August 2011 @ 11:44 am
I wish the compaany would send an email notifying individuals, who have ordered their product, when shipment is expected. Not doing so, is bad customer relations.
9 August 2011 @ 4:25 pm
Excellent!! Reading about this, James, on your blog, I ordered it. I can’t wait to start taking it…I hope it works!!! This summer has been miserable, as last summer…hurry up, Foreverwell!!
10 August 2011 @ 7:33 am
How can I find out about foreverwell? What is it? Cost? Etc?
10 August 2011 @ 10:54 am
Tiffany: Here’s Foreverwell’s link. All the information is there. I had to find out how much it was by clicking the “order products” button.
MXGO: Yes, you are right. When I placed an order I thought I would get an auto email confirmation, but did not. So I emailed twice, and then phoned the number (610-374-5258). I got Tom Staverosky personally with assurance that my shipment would be soon. I did feel comforted much more when James posted his information, though!! Thanks James!
14 August 2011 @ 11:04 am
An update on my order. I received a very nice letter from Tom Staverosky explaining the supply problems.
18 August 2011 @ 7:20 pm
Has anyone tried this Foreverwell? Does it help?