Healthy whole grain recipe

Before all the triggers and migraine fighting foods and health supplements and vitamins, perhaps the best thing you can do to avoid headache and migraine is to eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Sure, but how do you do that? Well, try to keep your focus on foods as close to the source and unprocessed as possible. Keep the meats to a minimum. And eat everything in moderation.
When so many migraineurs also deal with stomach problems, it’s all the more important to make sure your diet is healthy. One thing that’s been a real help to me is making sure I get some decent healthy whole grains in my diet every morning (uh oh – is this starting to sound like a cereal commercial?). I use a granola recipe that is packed with migraine and headache fighting foods, including oatmeal and olive oil. I shared this recipe with HeadWay subscribers, and I thought I’d share it with the rest of you as well. All the details are in the recipe itself, which is in pdf format. Right click to download the Multigrain Granola recipe!