Last Day to Give Your Input for Erenumab Insurance Coverage!
Today (Thursday, the 30th of November 2017) is the last day to give The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) your input. This will help your insurance companies make an informed decision about covering this, and possibly future, CGRP targetting drugs.
To read the full explanation, go to Be Proactive: Insurance and CGRP Migraine Treatment (time is limited!)
After you’ve read that post, share it with any contact you have who also are struggling with migraine or chronic migraine.
25 April 2018 @ 11:38 pm
I have migraines since I was a young adult. I have tried acupuncture, chiropractic care, many different prescriptions- I became depressed because I though life can’t be this way anymore. I would like to ensure this new prescription is covered by my insurance. All I want is to enjoy life like a normal person.