Migraine Headache Research
What kind of migraine headache research is being done right now? Even though we aren’t where we would like to be, and even though migraine and headache research is chronically underfunded, there are still many dedicated men and women who are moving our knowledge forward.
Migraine headache is one symptom of the disease known as migraine. Today we will just take a quick look at some of the research that is focused specifically on understanding and treating pain – migraine headache research specifically. This is not meant as a complete overview, just as a window into some of the research that is happening. As you know if you’re a regular visitor, we talk about research all the time.
Examples of Current Migraine Headache Research (and migraine research in general)
Can Twins Teach us about Migraine Genetics?
What if you had a set of twins, and one had migraine and the other did not? Could genetic testing teach us why there’s a difference?
Yes! Researchers in Australia checked 15 pairs of twins, and did find three genetic variants. Studies like this will help us confirm why migraine happens, and what factors may contribute to its development. Specific treatments may also be developed based on our increasing knowledge of migraine genetics. [read more]
Could triptan medications make pain worse over time?
Just how much triptan medications can increase headache symptoms over time is a controversial issue. But new research in the USA has shown that prolonged use of triptans can cause changes in the blood brain barrier, which may make patients more sensitive to migraine and pain. Migraine headache research like this may help us know how to prescribe triptans, and when to look to other solutions. [read more]
What kinds of light increase migraine pain?
Of course we know that many migraine patients are sensitive to light, but what makes it worse? Wavelength? Colour? An ongoing study in the USA is looking for answers, but is not completed yet.
What are the male/female differences when it comes to migraine?
An early study in the USA found surprisingly large gender differences in mice. These differences could help us develop more targeted treatments for humans. [read more]
What genes are responsible for the migraine headache that we experience in migraine?
A current study in the USA is looking for answers, that again could lead to new and better treatments. This study is not yet completed.
Migraine and “high sensitivity” to the environment…
A study in Israel was attempting to predict which migraine patients would respond best to amitriptyline. They were surprised to find that it was patients with a high sensitivity to their environment – where things that shouldn’t cause pain, do. Could there be an overlap between migraine and a type of sensory modulation disorder? Further studies can answer that question. [read more]
What are the benefits of a CGRP receptor antagonist?
CGRP is a hot topic in migraine treatment right now. But how does it affect the body, and how are different doses different? A recent study in the USA was able to measure some affects of a CGRP inhibitor, but was surprised by the lack of change in inflammation functions. Will a change in dosage fight inflammation, or should we look elsewhere? [read more]
Research Continues…
There is much more going on, and we continue to talk about it here. All of the examples above were supported by the Migraine Research Foundation. If you want to make a difference in migraine headache research, your donation can help fund further research to help us all. Click here for more information!
4 June 2019 @ 3:20 pm
I am 60 yrs old, I’ve had migraines my entire life and every kind you can imagine, I love life but the pain has been hell, I have given up on thinking I would ever be cured, I could be the POSTER CHILD for Migraines.