Migraine Specialist in San Francisco?
I have a crazy idea. Let me know what you think.
There are a lot of people out there looking for migraine specialists in a specific geographical area. Now I’m not necessarily going to start up a database of migraine specialists around the world. However, I wouldn’t mind hitting some that people are most interested in.
So here’s my idea. For a certain time – say, 2-3 weeks, I would ask for your advice. Who is the best migraine specialist in [a certain area]? Where is the best clinic?
Once the results were tallied, I would upload a page with accurate information about that particular doctor/clinic (I might even include 2 or 3 if I get a lot of responses), and then we’d move on to another one.
So let’s give it a try, and see what happens, shall we? In order to give your advice, you can contact me on Twitter, Facebook, Email, or leave a comment at this post on the blog. I’ll give it two or three weeks and see what happens.
The first location we’re looking for?
(or something nearby)
Remember, it could be a regular doctor who’s really good with migraine patients, or a clinic, or a specialist – wherever you would recommend people go for quality all-around migraine treatment.

25 June 2012 @ 8:51 pm
Dr. Gilbert at the Kaiser Chronic Pain Clinic. He’s great!
26 June 2012 @ 3:23 pm
Love this idea. Please include Phoenix.
5 July 2012 @ 12:13 pm
Dr. Gilbert @ “WHAT” Kaiser Pain Clininic in the San Francisco area? Im in Hayward.
22 August 2012 @ 6:36 pm
Dr. Gilbert is part of the Chronic Pain Department in San Francisco – the Kaiser French Campus at 4141 Geary Blvd. If you want to schedule an eval, you’ll need to be referred by your regular doctor. Dr. Gilbert is the one who handles the biofeedback and behavioral side of treatment. Dr. Mikeladze handles the medical side of treatment. It’s easier to look up Mikeladze in the KP directory.
16 August 2017 @ 3:21 am
When I’m in the shower, I suddenly start to feel a very dizzy and sparkly spots no larger than a grain of sand appear in my eyes, also a few months ago when I came out off the shower I felt extremely dizzy, I fell over and I couldn`t see anything but blackness for about 30 seconds, I lay on my bed for the next 10 minutes and I just about fainted. I was wondering if anyone knows what this is??? please help me if you know how to stop this from happening!!!
20 September 2017 @ 1:09 pm
Have you found a dr. Yet? I have thia Aura attack, of half blindness, which last 15 to 25 minutes, and when it goes away, Then I’ll begin to feel a migrian and nausea. Iv been to several neurologist and no luck. Now I feel the room is spinning, or as if im drunk, with nausea, and fatigue and always drowsy. I know its a seriuos matter, and looking for a migraine spwcialist to help me. I hope you get the gelp you need.
8 January 2020 @ 6:33 pm
I was diagnosed with Abdominal migraine by Dr. Brennen at the UCLA neurological department over ten years ago. He said there was no cure. The advice he gave me was to find a pain reliver, keep a record of triggers and exerxise. eventually it will disappear.
I have done what he recommended and feel well most of the time. I use norco for the pain and know my triggers. This has kept me out of the ER for over a year now from going in with extreme pain.
My pain management doctor, Dr. Nguyen, has left San Francisco and I am now looking for a new pain doctor.
This is very disheratening as I have tried many other pain medicines and none have given me the relief that norco has, not even stronger ones.