Migraines & Romantic Relationships: February 2011 Carnival
Don’t miss the latest Headache and Migraine Disease Blog Carnival over at Somebody Heal Me. The topic was: Romantic Relationships & Migraines: How are they affected? Is is possible to build a new one? Does anything about living with a chronic condition bring you closer?
This is an excellent topic to reflect on, and there were some great reflections. Let me give you a hint of what you’ll read…
- Having a caregiver/dependent relationship changes and sometimes trumps the husband/wife relationship we have. When a severe Migraine or Meniere’s attack hits…
- I remember when I first started dating my husband, it hadn’t even occurred to me to tell him about my headaches. My sister called me the day after our first date and asked me, "Did you tell him that you get really bad migraines?" What? Why would I tell him that? Nothing says "blossoming romance" like "Hey, by the way, I get debilitating migraines that make me puke a WHOLE bunch!".
- Whenever I’ve tried to choreograph one of these Hollywood romantic evenings it usually was ruined by a sleepless night, a bad migraine, unexpected traffic delays or other annoyances. I’ve come to believe that this Hollywood brand of romance is really reserved for people who are dating or who have a lot of money…
- Physical touch is a bit trickier of a subject than finding time to spend with one another. I also deal with Fibromyalgia symptoms, such as chronic widespread pain and sensitivity. This can sometimes make even holding hands or cuddling with each other uncomfortable, sometimes unbearable. But…
There’s no doubt there’s a lot to talk about!
And, not always on topic but still in the carnival, Migraines and Heart Health and my own contribution, Vasodilation and Migraine – The fall of a theory.
21 February 2011 @ 9:52 pm
Thank you so much for the information your site provides. My wife has had a migraine all day and being pregnant limits our treatment options. Needless to say aromatherapy is now our primary solution. Thank you again, The Vesterby family.