More migraine attacks, less support
On a regular basis those studies come out that anyone with a chronic illness can relate to. You say,”Yes – exactly!” even though you haven’t really thought specifically about it before.
Such is the case with an internet survey throughout Australia. Here’s a summary of the results…
Most people with migraine felt supported by family and friends (64% – not exactly a high percentage, considering these are the people closest to you!). However, when it came to the workplace, only 29% felt supported by coworkers, and 26% by managers.
So far, no big surprises. I’m very sorry to see that managers are so nonsupporting – they should outrank the coworkers and be champions of their employees – for the sake of the people, the workplace and the business. But here’s the worst finding of all: The more attacks people had, and the more frequent those attacks were, the less support they felt they had!
I know, once again no big surprise. But non-sufferers need to realize the severity of the problem. That coworker that is away with a “headache” (migraine is not a headache, folks) is suffering from pain that many people (people that have experienced both) have compared to a root canal, a broken bone, or giving birth. And when those people drag themselves to work the next day, they’re not neccessarily fully recovered.