One of the safest migraine treatments ever…
It’s one of the safest treatments for migraine available. It’s been increasingly popular since the 1960s. It can be done by a practitioner with sophisticated electronic equipment, or at home with very little. It doesn’t involve drugs, or even herbal supplements. Do you know what it is?
You guessed it, biofeedback. Now you can get the facts in this new article on biofeedback migraine treatment. Biofeedback is being used increasingly for a number of conditions. It does take some time to learn, but taking a few minutes to slow down and relax is probably something that would be beneficial to many of us!
31 August 2013 @ 12:34 pm
I’ve practiced bio-feedback on a regular basis since my first visit to a migraine clinic in the mid-nineties. I use it along with regular meditation, acupuncture, and healing touch techniques to keep my nervous system balanced. Last week, a visit to a new dentist’s office (something that is usually a stressful event for me), I had the most marvelous experience you might want to share. The hygienist dipped my ice cold hands in melted wax (hot, but not too hot) three times and then covered them with terry cloth mitts. Worked just like bio-feedback to calm me down :).