Pilot Program in the UK for the SpringTMS Total Migraine System (video)
The SpringTMSâ„¢ Total Migraine System is a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device that is being tested for migraine treatment. So far, it’s looking like it’s going to help a lot of migraine patients.
Actually, we’ve been talking about these systems here at least since 2005. TMS systems for migraine direct a quick pulse to the brain which seems to stop the migraine chain-reaction in some people.
Now that there have been some positive results, the challenge is to create a device which will be small enough and work simply enough so that the normal migraineur can carry one with them.
eNeura is one of the companies hoping to get a useful TMS device to you. There are now several clinics in the UK which will offer the SpringTMSâ„¢ Total Migraine System for a prescription. These include, according to Migraine Action:
- Charing Cross Hospital, London
- Royal Free Hospital, London
- Department of Neurology, Northampton General Hospital, Northampton
- Royal United Hospital, Bath
- Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool
- University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Princes Road, Stoke-on-Trent
- Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull
- St Thomas Health Centre, Exeter
For more information, along with contact information, read the Spring TMS Total Migraine System Update from Migraine Action.
Meanwhile, even if this device isn’t yet available in your area, you’ll want to watch the video below to get an idea of what is coming.
1 November 2012 @ 10:03 am
RT @migraine_blog: Pilot Program in the UK for the SpringTMS Total Migraine System (video): The SpringTMSâ„¢ Tot… http://t.co/R64ftKIq
1 November 2012 @ 10:43 am
Hey, Sarah Maddox maybe I need to take a long visit to u!