Poll – getting headache information
When it comes to living with migraine or headache, where do you get the most helpful information? That was our poll question. Here’s how you answered:
Obviously, the big winner was the internet at 50%. Of course, that’s not surprising, since this was an internet poll on a headache website. Still, with hundreds of visitors everyday, it’s true that many people are finding their information online nowadays.
Next on the list is doctors, at 14.7%. That barely beat friends and family, at 12.2%. I would suggest that it’s good to have a second opinion when using any of these 3 sources. I get pretty suspicious if I hear something from one person, or see it on just one website, or even if I hear it from the doctor.
Books and other came next, and co-workers, news/media brought up the rear. So – not really a surprise – the big winners were internet, doctors and friends/family.
Be sure to look on the left of the headache and migraine news page for the new poll!