The RetreatMigraine Conference

A retreat from migraine? Sounds great – but no, that’s not what this was. RetreatMigraine was a retreat held earlier this month by the Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP).


200 people attended (not sure why it wasn’t 2000 – maybe they had a limit?). Here’s the purpose of the conference, from the CHAMP website:

RetreatMigraine is a conference led by and focused on people living with migraine disease.
The retreat will provide support, community, disease and treatment education, advocacy training, and complementary therapy experiences.


The retreat, held in San Antonio, featured a host of doctors and advocates, provided workshops, and various special and fun events. It was relatively inexpensive, and even featured meals with “migraine-friendly” options (I think I would prefer the term “migraine-fighting!”).

Immediately some of you are thinking, “A retreat – great idea, but I would be sick the whole time!” Well, you might appreciate Sarah’s perspective. She went – and yes, she was sick the whole time. But she would go again in a heartbeat. See what she had to say here: My Experience at the first Retreat Migraine.

Many people will be hoping that there is another retreat next year. According to the article at CHAMP, many people especially appreciated the temporary tattoos – you can read about the thinking behind the graphic design here: RetreatMigraine: A Lasting Impression